Maritime Security – Creating Global Partnerships to Deny Adversaries Control of the Maritime Domain

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 06/17/2009
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Categories: Defense Industry News, Main Page

Maritime Security – Creating Global Partnerships to Deny Adversaries Control of the Maritime Domain<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />

June 23-24, 2009

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Crowne Plaza Washington National Airport | Washington, DC




 “Seaborne piracy against transport vessels results in annual losses of an estimated $13-$16 billion.”


Conference Focus

Maritime Security in the US has been a focus since 9/11 with increasingly stringent port and border security requirements being mandated.  However recent events have turned attention once again to terrorism in the maritime domain.  The US has over 300 ports of entry across the country and some of the busiest and largest ports globally making the country vulnerable to attack. Global container traffic in the maritime arena has also lent itself to be the perfect disguise for a WMD or dirty bomb that would affect thousands.  In addition international events of piracy have led to an increased focus on the shipping community and subsequent supporting roles various government agencies may have in such a crisis.  As the maritime arena continues to be one of the most vulnerable and complex domains the need for collaborative preparedness and response is essential.


The marcus evans Maritime Security Conference will bring together professionals from industry and government to discuss the challenges involved in protecting the maritime domain.



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