DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 13 October 2010

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 10/13/2010
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 13 October 2010

Issue # 203

You are among 807 subscribers


“Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.”

– Milton Friedman
Happy 235th birthday to the U. S. Navy


This DEFCON 1 newsletter comes to you from Jacksonville, Florida.

Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry, now serving more than 800 subscribers.  DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 


Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  The latest issue of the national Association of Fleet Tug Sailors TOWLINE:


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  Senior Associate/Cost Analyst, MCR, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, MA 

2.)  Senior Associate/Cost Analyst, MCR, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, MA

3.)  Army Battle Command System (ABCS) Engineer, Northrop Grumman, Fort Leavenworth, KS

4.)  Global Command and Control System (GCCS) System and Network Engineer, Lockheed Martin, Warner Robins, Georgia

5.)  Interface Control Technician, Harris Corporation, Las Vegas, NV

6.)  CONTRACTS & PURCHASING OFFICER, The W. M. Keck Observatory, Kamuela, HI

7.)  Jr. Cost Analyst, MCR, LLC, Orlando, FL

8.)  Sr. SQL DBA, Advanced Technology Systems Inc., Rosslyn, VA

9.)  Information Operations/Command and Control Expert, Wyle, Hawaii

10.)  Ground Station Command and Control Engineer, General Dynamics Information Technology, Chantilly, VA11.)  DHS Security Engagement Manager-EAST REGION, IBM, Kansas City, MO

12.)  GENERAL ENGINEER, Army Tank-Automotive & Armament Command, Army Materiel Command, Rock Island

13.)  Domain Analyst – Marine Corps Command and Control, The MITRE Corporation, Quantico, VA

14.)  Technical Writer, Systems Definition, Inc., Alexandria, VA

15.)  Branch Head, Retail Logistics & Communications, Marine Corps Exchange (MCX), Quantico, Virginia

16.)  Training Specialist (Electronic Warfare), JIEDDO-Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, 29 Palms, California 


18.)  Counter IED Instructors, Piton Science & Technology, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri 

19.)  Defense Research Analyst, Senior, Booz Allen, El Paso, TX

20.)  Intelligence Specialist (ICD), Army Intelligence and Security Command, Ft Belvoir, VA

21.)  System Analyst, Earth Resources Technology, Silver Spring, MD

22.)  Exercise Control Ops Chief/Planner, L-3 Communications, Bridgeport, CA

23.)  Software Engineer, Mission Systems Group, CGI, Stanley, Blount Island Command (BIC), Jacksonville, FL




***  Communication is a key factor in achieving organizational, and individual, success. Whether you are communicating during crises or across cultures, understanding how to communicate efficiently and effectively is essential.

The Northeastern University Fast-Track Master of Science in Corporate and Organizational Communication, a 12- month, 100% online program, prepares graduates with the skills to develop, manage, and present global communications.

Next start terms are January 2011 and April 2011.

For more information or to apply, visit   



***  IDGA is pleased to announce the 3rd Social Media for Defense & Government, taking place October 18-20, 2010, at Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner, Vienna, VA. This year’s conference will move beyond the simple use of social media tools and platforms and provide you with detailed case studies and strategies forachieving organizational goals through a comprehensive social media approach.

View the Program Agenda.

Visit the Complimentary Resource Center to access podcasts, presentations, articles such as, Psychological Warfare in the Social Media Era: Winning Hearts and Minds through Facebook and Twitter?, plus much more!

Join the discussion on Twitter: @SocialMedia4Gov

***  Can you name these twelve Navy ships?

Test your Navy knowledge:



***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Senior Associate/Cost Analyst, MCR, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, MA 


Job ID: 576




MCR  is the trusted leader in integrated program management solutions.  For more than 30 years, we have provided objectivity, smart thinking and the highest levels of support to help our clients get the job done, and done right.  Our vast experience and knowledgeable people are our greatest assets.  Their subject matter expertise, commitment to excellence and the high quality of their work, combined with our full suite of services, allows our clients to accomplish their missions and support national priorities. Our corporate values are based on integrity, excellence, honesty, service and trust.  It is through these values that we form long-term client partnerships, build expertise, and attract and retain talented employees. 




Conduct a variety of cost analysis, life cycle cost estimating, and/or cost research tasks in support of the Air Force/Department of Defense using approved processes and tools to determine Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCEs), Independent Cost Estimate (ICE), Total Ownership Costs (TOC) and/or Economic Analysis for use in Investment Analysis, Analysis of Alternatives, Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD), Business Case Analysis, Exhibit 300 submissions and/or program budget development. Will develop cost estimates using a variety of techniques including modeling, parametric analysis, engineering estimates, learning curve, risk analysis and cost estimating relationships. Specific support activities will include the following areas: cost benefit analysis, life cycle cost estimation, business case analysis, affordability assessments, risk analysis, technical baseline development, knowledge of the government acquisition process, and development of models and databases. Keep abreast of new weapons system cost estimating/research methodologies, databases and tools.




The candidate should be able to manage/lead the cost estimating task and interface directly with customer and other stakeholders to identify requirements and resolve issues. Plan, organize, direct and conduct weapons systems cost estimating/research tasks in problem areas of very difficult scope and complexity. The problems are difficult to define and may require novel approaches and the use of sophisticated techniques. Has moderate/extensive technical responsibility for interpreting, organizing, executing, and coordinating assignments, including the direction of other cost analysts. Makes technical cost estimating /research decision which are authoritative and which demonstrate mautre cost estimating judgement in anticipating and solving complex cost analysis problems. Work requires the technical capability to assess the cost and schedule implications of existing and projected technological advances, as well as the ability to evaluate the impact of new and innovative acquisition strategies. Strong interpersonal skills needed to support customer meetings and data collection efforts. Ability to work well both independently, as well as part of a team effort. Strong writing skills to be able to prepare briefings, communicate status, and document results.


Individual will work out of the Bedford MA MCR office at Hanscom Air Force Base


• 7-10 years of weapons system acquisition Cost Estimating Experience

• Strong quantitative skills – Minimum of 24 semester hours quantitative analysis coursework

• Knowledge of the federal acquisition management system (preferably DOD/ESC)

• Life cycle cost estimating proficiency to include knowledge of: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS); Cost estimating relationships (CERs); Inflation indices; Learning curves; Economic measures (NPV, Payback Period, IRR)

• Data collection & analysis

• Cost risk analysis

• Affordability assessments

• Data modeling

• Computer proficiency skills (Excel, Word,Outlook)

• Software cost estimating / parametric tools (ACE IT, @Risk, SEER-SEM, PRICE, COCOMO, SLIM)

• Strong communications skills (both written & verbal)

• SCEA certification is a plus




MCR, LLC’s compensation and benefits package is very competitive. It is designed to help employees meet varying needs throughout their careers and to reward employee's skills, experience, and potential.

Equal Opportunity Employer

MCR is an equal employment opportunity employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor.

ID: 576

Job Code: PTS 4

Please forward a copy of your resume to the attention of Denise Colina at

(Please note:  Be sure to indicate that you found out about this opportunity from Ned Lundquist (, who is an MCR employee.)


2.)  Senior Associate/Cost Analyst, MCR, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, MA


Job ID: 465



MCR  is the trusted leader in integrated program management solutions.  For more than 30 years, we have provided objectivity, smart thinking and the highest levels of support to help our clients get the job done, and done right.  Our vast experience and knowledgeable people are our greatest assets.  Their subject matter expertise, commitment to excellence and the high quality of their work, combined with our full suite of services, allows our clients to accomplish their missions and support national priorities. Our corporate values are based on integrity, excellence, honesty, service and trust.  It is through these values that we form long-term client partnerships, build expertise, and attract and retain talented employees. 




Conduct a variety of cost analysis, life cycle cost estimating, and/or cost research tasks in support of the Air Force/Department of Defense using approved processes and tools to determine Life Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCEs), Independent Cost Estimate (ICE), Total Ownership Costs (TOC) and/or Economic Analysis for use in Investment Analysis, Analysis of Alternatives, Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD), Business Case Analysis, Exhibit 300 submissions and/or program budget development. Will develop cost estimates using a variety of techniques including modeling, parametric analysis, engineering estimates, learning curve, risk analysis and cost estimating relationships. Specific support activities will include the following areas: cost benefit analysis, life cycle cost estimation, business case analysis, affordability assessments, risk analysis, technical baseline development, knowledge of the government acquisition process, and development of models and databases. Keep abreast of new weapons system cost estimating/research methodologies, databases and tools.




The candidate should be able to manage/lead the cost estimating task and interface directly with customer and other stakeholders to identify requirements and resolve issues. Plan, organize, direct and conduct weapons systems cost estimating/research tasks in problem areas of very difficult scope and complexity. The problems are difficult to define and may require novel approaches and the use of sophisticated techniques. Has moderate/extensive technical responsibility for interpreting, organizing, executing, and coordinating assignments, including the direction of other cost analysts. Makes technical cost estimating /research decision which are authoritative and which demonstrate mautre cost estimating judgement in anticipating and solving complex cost analysis problems. Work requires the technical capability to assess the cost and schedule implications of existing and projected technological advances, as well as the ability to evaluate the impact of new and innovative acquisition strategies. Strong interpersonal skills needed to support customer meetings and data collection efforts. Ability to work well both independently, as well as part of a team effort. Strong writing skills to be able to prepare briefings, communicate status, and document results.


Individual will work out of the Bedford MA MCR office at Hanscom Air Force Base


• 7-10 years of weapons system acquisition Cost Estimating Experience

• Strong quantitative skills – Minimum of 24 semester hours quantitative analysis coursework

• Knowledge of the federal acquisition management system (preferably DOD/ESC)

• Life cycle cost estimating proficiency to include knowledge of: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS); Cost estimating relationships (CERs); Inflation indices; Learning curves; Economic measures (NPV, Payback Period, IRR)

• Data collection & analysis

• Cost risk analysis

• Affordability assessments

• Data modeling

• Computer proficiency skills (Excel, Word,Outlook)

• Software cost estimating / parametric tools (ACE IT, @Risk, SEER-SEM, PRICE, COCOMO, SLIM)

• Strong communications skills (both written & verbal)

• SCEA certification is a plus



MCR, LLC’s compensation and benefits package is very competitive. It is designed to help employees meet varying needs throughout their careers and to reward employee's skills, experience, and potential.

Equal Opportunity Employer

MCR is an equal employment opportunity employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor.

ID: 465

Job Code: PTS 4

Please forward a copy of your resume to the attention of Denise Colina at

(Please note:  Be sure to indicate that you found out about this opportunity from Ned Lundquist (, who is an MCR employee.)


3.)  Army Battle Command System (ABCS) Engineer, Northrop Grumman, Fort Leavenworth, KS


4.)  Global Command and Control System (GCCS) System and Network Engineer, Lockheed Martin, Warner Robins, Georgia


5.)  Interface Control Technician, Harris Corporation, Las Vegas, NV


6.)  CONTRACTS & PURCHASING OFFICER, The W. M. Keck Observatory, Kamuela, HI


Benefits: Competitive Benefits Including Relocation Assistance and Dependent Private School Tuition Assistance


Description: The W. M. Keck Observatory operates the world’s two largest optical/infrared telescopes located on the summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Within its non-profit environment, the Observatory seeks an experienced, independent, creative and hands-on Contracts and Purchasing Officer to manage a diverse range of routine to complex commercial procurement contracts, purchase orders, risk management and general business activities. The position requires a thorough understanding of federal procurement processes especially under OMB circulars A-122 and A-133 for NSF and NASA funded procurements.


Under the general supervision of the Chief Financial Officer, this position is responsible for all aspects of WMKO’s contracting and procurement management. Position manages a variety of government, international and commercial procurement contracts and purchase orders in accordance with company policies and procedures, applicable laws, and project requirements. Desired competencies: Working knowledge of all aspects of contract formation, negotiation, administration, closeout and termination in a regulatory environment. Ideal candidate should be a motivated, hands-on, self-starter who can work both independently and collaboratively to meet time sensitive deadlines within a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment.



Contract Evaluation – For vendor procurements & services and WMKO property use, advise management in contractual rights, risks, and obligations; establish critical contract terms and provide direction for interpretation and application of conditions, remedies, indemnities, liabilities, and terms; negotiate terms and conditions in WMKO’s best interests; solve problems on proposals, negotiations, and contracts. Respond to complex inquiries regarding contract obligations and revisions. Suggest alternatives leading to the best solution. Select and prepare the appropriate contract type (i.e., fixed price, labor hour/time & materials, cost reimbursement, etc.). Draft related documents, secure internal approvals, vendor acceptances, and award contracts.


Contract Administration – Perform post-award administration activities. Complete and update contract snap-shot summaries. Review and manage the contractual obligations of the parties: resolve disputes, negotiate modifications, terminations, and contract closeout. Provide continual review to ensure that all terms & conditions are met. Suggest remedies for non-performance or warranty violations. Liaise with Finance staff to ensure accurate and timely payment of vendor invoices in accordance with contract terms. Assist staff in final acceptance and payment process. Prepare and disseminate information regarding contract status, compliance, modifications, etc. Work closely with Purchasing Agent in administering contracts including vendor payments.


Procurement Best Practices – Establish and regularly enhance Observatory best practices to improve both procurement and contract policies and procedures that: assure responsiveness to staff needs; achieve the best value within funding; and achieve excellence in contractor performance for obtaining goods and services on time and within budget. Regularly seek-out new best practices procurement methods and processes including e-commerce opportunities to increase labor efficiencies and reduce costs. Prepare policy and procedure manuals. Train, achieve buy-in, and monitor Observatory staff on best practices.


Compliance – Protect the Observatory’s eligibility for external funding by ensuring that all sponsored project procurements (grants and contracts) comply with Observatory policies, prime contract flow-downs, and all federal and state mandates. Interface with various governmental agencies on related issues and provide guidance, advice and action on such matters to management and staff. Perform research as needed to remain abreast of changes in the contracting regulatory environment. Develop and manage internal contract compliance systems and provide training to personnel on regulatory, procurement policy, and cost compliance matters. Work closely with the Finance and Sponsored Programs staff to assure that fiscal accountability and compliance is maintained. Assist Finance staff in the proper handling of federally-acquired property acquisitions, sales, surpluses and disposals.


Statements of Work Development – Proactively work with requestors and vendors in developing or completing specifications to clearly define scopes of work and needs. Add value to requestors’ statements of work (SOW) development to increase their effectiveness in obtaining the required goods and services, thereby improving cost effectiveness and meeting project schedules.


Competition – Prioritize, oversee and develop with staff required informal and formal vendor solicitations for execution of: Requests for Proposals (RFP), Requests for Contracts (RFC), Requests for Assistance (RFA) and Requests for Quote (RFQ) and other procurement and contract management related functions for fabrication & equipment purchases and professional services agreements and contracts. Develop strategies to arrive at fair and reasonable prices for cost/price analysis and acceptable terms and conditions. Manage the formal contract bid process. Qualify vendor proposers. Ensure correctness of vendor single and source justifications.


Procurement/Purchasing –Continue enhancement of the procurement process. Ensure purchase order terms and conditions are maintained with new compliance and regulatory changes. Maintain knowledge on and train staff on international procurement issues: customs/duties, fees/taxes and import/export regulations. Supervise and assist the Purchasing Agent in practicing effective and efficient procurement processes. Develop and review purchase requests and ensure authorization as necessary to facilitate the timely purchase of products or services. Serve as backup to and perform duties of the Purchasing Agent when required: place orders with vendors, issue purchase orders, manage the annual maintenance renewal process for cost effectiveness and quality vendor selection; conduct annual market price analyses for general business procurements; analyze and request discounts with high-volume vendors; and, research and obtain bids on leased equipment to assure fair and reasonable prices on purchases.


Legal Collaboration – As directed, work closely with the Observatory’s legal counsel: the General Counsel offices of Caltech and UC. Effectively communicate and assist them on important legal matters; seek their help as needed, secure their approvals as required and assist them on their requests and projects. Manage vendor relationships of outside Observatory legal counsel through negotiation and review of contract terms, performance and fees.


Vendor Administration – Perform market research and assist staff in locating/obtaining qualified vendors. Screen selected vendors to determine required qualifications. Oversee verification of appropriate bonding, certification, licensing, WMKO requirements (waivers, hazards and driving requirements) and insurance coverage secured by contractors and the maintenance of those records. Monitor and report on vendor performance. Maintain vendor performance database. Maintain positive, functioning vendor relationships.


Risk Management – Maintain various general Observatory legal and liability vendor and guest forms with general counsel. Work with insurance brokers to secure appropriate Observatory insurances (general, property, D&O liability, auto, etc.) and monitor and disseminate insurance requirements to staff. Develop and implement policies and procedures for minimizing independent contractor liability and tax risks. Assist the Caltech insurance and real estate department personnel in joint property or insurance matters. Assist Finance with providing property bills of sale.


Information Management – Be familiar with and utilize computerized resources and tools for tracking contracts and expenditures; other contract related files and reports; and the purchase requisition, order and receipt systems. Work closely with the IT Specialist to fully utilize the current Financial Information System and other programs and maintain the procurement information on the intranet website for staff.


Strategic Initiatives – Utilizing objective analysis of problems, independent judgment to identify needs, and proposal of initiatives to address corporate strategies, work as assigned on special projects undertaken by management to advance departmental goals and objectives.


Managing People – Include staff in planning, decision-making, facilitating and process improvement; take responsibility for subordinates' activities; make self available to staff; provide regular performance feedback; develop subordinates' skills and encourage growth; Solicit and apply customer feedback (internal and external); foster quality focus in others; improve processes, products and services. Continually work to improve supervisory skills. Lead by example. Responsible for annual performance reviews of staff. Clarify team purpose and goals; build team commitment and strengthen team's collective skills and work approach; ensure that team members work collaboratively in support of cross-training to assist in peak load times, during office absences and as a general resource for all users of these services


Team Work – Work effectively with coworkers, collaborators and others by sharing ideas in a constructive, positive manner; listening to and objectively considering ideas and suggestions from others; keeping commitments; keeping others informed of work progress and issues; accepting and meeting mutually agreed upon performance objectives and work deadlines; addressing problems and issues constructively to find mutually acceptable and practical solutions; and respecting the diversity of the WMKO workforce in actions, words, and deeds


Safety – Maintain commitment to a high standard of safety, comply with all safety laws and WMKO safety policies/rules, and report actual and potential safety violations to appropriate supervisory or management personnel to further WMKO’s core value of safety.




1.  Serve as backup for the Purchasing Agent. May drive WMKO vehicles.

2. Perform other duties consistent with the scope of the position


Minimum Qualifications:


Education and Experience


1.  Bachelor’s degree from a recognized college or university, preferably in Purchasing, Business or related field.

2.  Five years of recent, directly related experience in contract administration preferably in a federally-funded collaborative grants/contracts environment including vendor bidding competitive experience such as vendor negotiations, Requests for Proposals (RFP), evaluation of RFP

3.  Five years supervisory experience in the development and administration of contracts and/or procurements.


4.  Requires a command of purchasing principles, methodologies, and concepts commensurate with all purchasing applications.

5.  Thorough knowledge of all aspects of contract formation, administration, closeout and subcontracts.

6.  Thorough understanding of federal procurement processes and legal & federal compliance terminology related to contract administration, especially under OMB circulars A-110 and A-133 and the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARS) and various Supplements (especially NASA FAR Supplements).

7.  Comprehensive knowledge of applicable federal, state, and local procurement regulation, sales tax, customs and duties and related laws and ordinances to prepare conforming contracts and purchase orders.

8.  Knowledge of cost and price analysis as it relates to contract regulations, negotiation and preparation.

9.  Ability to interpret laws, regulations and apply them to sound businesses practices.

10.  Excellent analytical, negotiation, and writing skills to prepare well-written agreements that will bind other organizations.

11.  Superior oral communication and negotiation skills with the ability to communicate effectively with a diverse group of people in a helpful, effective, and informative manner in person/by phone/by email while demonstrating initiative, flexibility, promptness, tact, and diplomacy.

12.  Ability to setup and maintain automated, electronic and manual record keeping systems.

13.  Able to interact effectively with senior management, with other staff at collaborative institutions, be a hands-on working Supervisor, and able to work in a team environment.

14.  Uphold self to strict ethical standards: integrity, objectivity, and confidentiality.

15.  Very proficient in MS Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint.

16.  Comfortable working in a fast paced, entrepreneurial environment under strict time constraints.

17.  Problem solving—the individual identifies and resolves problems in a timely manner and gathers and analyzes information skillfully.

18.  Interpersonal Skills—the individual maintains confidentiality, remains open to others’ ideas and exhibits willingness to try new things.

19.  Oral communication—the individual speaks clearly and persuasively in positive or negative situations, demonstrates group presentation skills and conducts meetings.

20.  Written Communication—the individual edits work for spelling and grammar, presents numerical data effectively and is able to read and interpret written information.

21.  Planning/organizing—the individual prioritizes and plans work activities, uses time efficiently and develops realistic action plans.

22.  Quality control—the individual demonstrates accuracy and thoroughness and monitors own work to ensure quality.

23.  Adaptability—the individual adapts to changes in the work environment, manages competing demands and is able to deal with frequent change, delays or unexpected events.

24.  Dependability—the individual is consistently at work and on time, follows instructions, responds to management direction and solicits feedback to improve performance.

25.  Safety and security—the individual actively promotes and personally observes safety and security procedures, and uses equipment and materials properly.

Other Requirements:

26.  Willingness to commit to WMKO core and cultural values. Core Values: Safety, Integrity, Respect, Discovery and Service. Cultural Values: Education/Learning, Communication, Teamwork, Rewarding Work Environment, Excellence and Community Involvement.

27.  Willingness to maintain or increase skills and attend professional development seminars offered by professional contracts and procurement organizations or other appropriate training.

28.  Valid drivers license with clean abstract record.

Desirable Qualifications and Skills:

29.  An advanced degree in a related field from a recognized, accredited institution.

30.  Certifications: Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM), or Certified Professional Contracts Manager (CPCM) status or National Contract Management Association (NCMA) membership.

31.  Procurement and e-Procurement experience with university sponsored technical and science research and development projects

32.  Construction-related experience including Davis-Bacon Act compliance and requirements

33.  Experience in or knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics SL Purchasing and Contracts software and Reqlogic.

Experience managing federally-acquired or government-owned property.


7.)  Jr. Cost Analyst, MCR, LLC, Orlando, FL


MCR  is the trusted leader in integrated program management solutions.  For more than 30 years, we have provided objectivity, smart thinking and the highest levels of support to help our clients get the job done, and done right.  Our vast experience and knowledgeable people are our greatest assets.  Their subject matter expertise, commitment to excellence and the high quality of their work, combined with our full suite of services, allows our clients to accomplish their missions and support national priorities. Our corporate values are based on integrity, excellence, honesty, service and trust.  It is through these values that we form long-term client partnerships, build expertise, and attract and retain talented employees. 




Support mid level and senior level financial and cost analysts with financial management and cost analysis requirements




BS/BA. Experience with MS Excel and MS Office applications. Strong organizational, communciation and analytical skills. Ability to obtain a secret level clearance.




MCR, LLC’s compensation and benefits package is very competitive. It is designed to help employees meet varying needs throughout their careers and to reward employee's skills, experience, and potential.

Equal Opportunity Employer

MCR is an equal employment opportunity employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor.

ID: 589


8.)  Sr. SQL DBA, Advanced Technology Systems Inc., Rosslyn, VA


9.)  Information Operations/Command and Control Expert, Wyle, Hawaii


10.)  Ground Station Command and Control Engineer, General Dynamics Information Technology, Chantilly, VA


11.)  DHS Security Engagement Manager-EAST REGION, IBM, Kansas City, MO


12.)  GENERAL ENGINEER, Army Tank-Automotive & Armament Command, Army Materiel Command, Rock Island


13.)  Domain Analyst – Marine Corps Command and Control, The MITRE Corporation, Quantico, VA^k9ZMbNIqMKRqpX571SJzWa_slp_rhc_hDeWjeg4d5hCwXyqK0JbelhgmIM7j6hj5T0j/XjNOxYl9vifyp09M_C_R__L_F_cvGbp2dSZQULR6EGTu7yaPnghHEFKD4=&jobId=1151796


***  From Jeff Peters:


14.)  Technical Writer, Systems Definition, Inc., Alexandria, VA


Systems Definition, Inc. is currently seeking to add to its technical documentation team. We are a growing small business providing software development and technical services to federal agencies, government contractors, and commercial clients. 


We are seeking self-motivated technical writers with demonstrated expertise and the ability to work independently. You must have the ability to work with scientists, engineers, and other project personnel to identify documentation needs, create relevant documents quickly and accurately, and make modifications as necessary.


The ideal candidate would have:


      Experience with software development documentation including design documents, requirements documents, interface control documents, and use cases

      Experience creating system administration and user manuals

      Experience with tracking and maintaining document status, defect lists, and inventory

      Strong analytical and problem solving skills

      Strong interpersonal skills to interact effectively with clients

      Ability to handle multiple projects with various priorities and deadlines

      Ability to work both independently and in a collaborative environment

      Ability to create and format documents using MS Word and presentations using PowerPoint

      Ability to create basic graphics

      Bachelor's Degree or higher in English, Journalism, Communications, or equivalent


Bonus points for:

      Familiarity with NISPOM, DCID 6/3, security documentation, and certification and accreditation

      Existing DoD security clearance or eligibility for a DoD security clearance


The job requires occasional non-local travel and frequent local travel (with mileage reimbursement).


SDI provides a casual and flexible work environment with excellent benefits including a generous holiday and leave package, fully paid health, dental, and vision medical coverage, S-IRA retirement plan, performance bonuses, and more.


If interested, please send resume and cover letter to


15.)  Branch Head, Retail Logistics & Communications, Marine Corps Exchange (MCX), Quantico, Virginia–communications.=AFVxIkVWZ1RhxmRWFWRalmUwkVeZRlQCFGbWlVUtVTV.html


16.)  Training Specialist (Electronic Warfare), JIEDDO-Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, 29 Palms, California




18.)  Counter IED Instructors, Piton Science & Technology, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri 


Piton Science & Technology won an IDIQ contract to support the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence (MSCoE) at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. The government will use the IDIQ contract to issue Task Order Contracts to support the Army Engineer, Military Police, and Chemical Biological Schools and other activities at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. The first task order that was issued includes the requirement to provide instructors to support the missions of the Counter Explosive Hazards Center (CEHC).


The Performance Work Statement (PWS) for this task order identifies the contractor technical, tactical, and training support services required to sustain the Counter Explosive Hazards Center (CEHC), U.S. Army Engineer School (USAES), Fort Leonard Wood (FLW), Missouri, in the performance of its mission to provide the U.S. Army with the ability to operate in explosive hazards environments for the execution of assured mobility and force protection. These services include providing hands-on instruction for courses on awareness and defeat of explosive hazards based on current operational theaters. Courses include: Intermediate Search Course (ISC), Counter Explosive Hazard Planner (CEH-P) Course, Route Reconnaissance and Clearance Course – Sapper (R2C2-S), Area Clearance Course (ACC), Explosive Hazards Unit Training – Afghanistan Course (EHUT-A) , Counter Explosive Hazard Specialty (CEH-S) Course, and the Military Working Dog (MWD) Operations Courses.


Other task orders will be issued separately to provide support to the other 25 functional areas associated with the three Army schools at Fort Leonard Wood.


Apply online or send resume to:


19.)  Defense Research Analyst, Senior, Booz Allen, El Paso, TX


20.)  Intelligence Specialist (ICD), Army Intelligence and Security Command, Ft Belvoir, VA


21.)  System Analyst, Earth Resources Technology, Silver Spring, MD


22.)  Exercise Control Ops Chief/Planner, L-3 Communications, Bridgeport, CA


23.)  Software Engineer, Mission Systems Group, CGI, Stanley, Blount Island Command (BIC), Jacksonville, FL





Ixsea is worldwide leader in fiber optic technology applied to navigation and positioning systems.

Headquartered in Paris France, the American Subsidiary, Ixsea Inc., is responsible for sales and technical support throughout the Americas and is located in the greater Boston area. We are expanding our capabilities and require additional senior tech support engineers. See for more detailed information



Represent the customer in all technical issues to the various Ixsea departments. Departments include product line managers, sales managers, and repair managers. Also be the Ixsea technical representative to the customer


Responsible for all technical support in North America and occasionally assist other Ixsea technical support engineers in other worldwide areas. Open and follow up in Ixsea system of Hot Line, Hot Mail, Actions and Customer Claims under support ticket tracking software JIRA.


Support for customer equipment installations, demos, training and on-site repairs. Position requires extensive travel to customer sites, France, and exhibitions of approximately 25% of the time.


Maintain technical expertise through various Ixsea training programs both online and in France. This requires continuous and self training in all functions, technology and physics related to Ixsea systems. Contribute to customer training program development.


Participate in local office activities including IT systems, sales administration, sales meetings, participation in exhibitions including demo systems and show materials.



Technical degree preferably in electronics or marine surveying with working knowledge of software.


Knowledge of marine navigation, positioning, surveying, construction and instrumentation systems


Minimum of 5 years experience in marine sensor support activity.



Position reports directly to Ixsea technical support manager in France and to the local, USA general manager administratively.


Interested applicants should send their resume and salary history to


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.


Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to


If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want to read the newsletter, then send an email to:


DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the more than 11,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2010 Job of the Week Network, LLC




Strategic Communication Management Summit 2010
October 5–7, Waterview Conference Center, Washington DC
A new city, a new format and a new focus for internal communicators.



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