DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 13, 2013

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 03/13/2013
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 13, 2013

Issue # 307

You are among 711 subscribers


“The truth is, hardly any of us have ethical energy enough for more than one really inflexible point of honor.”
– George Bernard Shaw



***  You can also subscribe to this and my other two newsletters at .  The Job of the Week serves communication professionals.  Your Very Next Step is my travel/outdoors/adventure/conservation newsletter.  They’re all free!



Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.


DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by visiting and selecting DEFCON 1.


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  Strategic Communications Implementation Coordinator, NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT), MCR, Norfolk, VA
2.)  Threat/Intelligence & CI Analyst, T-Rex Corp., Arlington, VA

3.)  PKI Policy Analyst, Cyber Innovation Unit (CIU), Battelle, Springfield, VA

4.)  Contract Specialist, MCR, Norfolk, VA

5.)  Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Analyst, MCR, Springfield, VA 6.)  Counter Intelligence/Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Specialist / ISS-4974, Scientific Research Corporation, Anacostia-Bolli​ng, Washington, DC

7.)  Senior Training Simulator Engineer, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Simulator Division (WNS), Flairsoft, Fairborn, Ohio

8.)  Continuity Planning SME I, UIC Technical Services (UICTS), Arlington, Virginia

9.)  Training Registrar Management Support, Pioneer Technologies Corporation (PTC), Beale AFB, CA

10.)  MC-12W Training Registrar Manager, USfalcon, Beale AFB, CA

11.)  Spacecraft Integration Engineer, ManTech International, Arlington, VA

12.)  Systems Engineer 5, Space Science Mission Operation (SSMO) Project, Honeywell, Greenbelt, MD

13.)  Combat Camera Systems Field Service Representative – Afghanistan, Strike Group LLC, Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan (Customer USMC)

14.)  Counter- intelligence (CI) Reports Officer/De-briefer, Office of Intelligence and Counter-intelligence, Department of Energy Office , CSC, Washington, DC

15.)  Mechanical Design Engineer Sr., Parx Group, Manassas, VA

16.)  Mechanical Design Engineers MTS Level 3, Hughes, Germantown, MD


…and more!


***  The Simulated Approach

For shipboard synthetic training, the opportunities are VAST

Seapower Magazine February 2013

By Edward Lundquist



***  Upcoming events:


***  SNA GWC Luncheon

21 March 2013


11:30 Check-In and Lunch served at 12 Noon


More details to follow.


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***  2013 Sea-Air-Space Exposition


Register now to attend the 2013 Sea-Air-Space Exposition – the premiere exposition for the U.S. Sea Services – from April 8 – 10 at the Gaylord National Resort and Conference Center in the National Harbor.


***  11th Annual Maritime Homeland Security Summit


April 29 – May 01, 2013 – Baltimore, Maryland, United States


The Latest in Maritime Domain Awareness and Security


***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


***  Here’s a DEFCON 1 Can’t Wait opportunity from MCR:


1.)  Strategic Communications Implementation Coordinator, NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT), MCR, Norfolk, VA

MCR is the trusted leader in integrated program management solutions. For 35 years, we have provided objectivity, smart thinking and the highest levels of support to help our clients get the job done, and done right. Our vast experience and knowledgeable people are our greatest assets. Their subject matter expertise, commitment to excellence and the high quality of their work, combined with our full suite of services, allows our clients to accomplish their missions and support national priorities. Our corporate values are based on integrity, excellence, honesty, service and trust. It is through these values that we form long-term client partnerships, build expertise, and attract and retain talented employees. For more information about MCR, LLC career opportunities, please visit

MCR is pursuing a contract at Allied Command Transformation (ACT) to provide strategic communications support. MCR is seeking a viable candidate to be our “Key Personnel” in our proposal.

Position: Strategic Communications Implementation Coordinator

Contract Base Period: April 2013 – October 2013
+ 1 Option Period October 2013 – April 2014

Place of Performance: HQ SACT Norfolk, VA

Secret clearance required

Description of Requirement

HQ SACT is developing a capability to facilitate Strategic Communications (StratCom) implementation towards enhancement of StratCom performance for HQ SACT interaction with subordinate Commands, other NATO Commands and more broadly, with other NATO and Non-NATO Actors. This emergent capability consists of the following pillars which will serve as enablers to HQ SACT Strategic Communications Operations and contribute to Capability Development lessons.

a. The first pillar, and the primary requirement for this Statement of Work, supports the HQ SACT leadership mandate whereby all internal deliverables and enablers within the Command must field a comprehensive and updatable Communications Plan.

b. The second pillar is a requirement for coordination and monitoring of the level of Communications Plan implementation for all ACT subordinate commands and the provision for providing staff training on the primary concepts of Strategic Communications and building
StratCom Champions.

A StratCom Implementation Coordinator (SIC) is a functional specialist maintaining responsibility and accountability for deliverable and enabler program linkages drawing from StratCom best practices identified through Capability Implementation Plan actions, NATO direction and guidance on
operational frameworks and narratives, and Communications Plans mandated through PPM. The SIC must not only have intimate knowledge of NATO StratCom disciplines with focus areas in areas of

• public affairs and key leader engagements
• civil military operations
• information operations

but should also have a network of StratCom professionals to draw information from for enhanced training, and an understanding of current ACT challenges for NATO transformation.

The SIC would serve as the primary cross-division interviewer, coordinator, and training POC for HQ SACT for issues related specifically to the establishment of a cost effective and consistent StratCom Communication Plan training and implementation battle rhythm for HQ SACT and associated staffs. Additionally, the SIC would be the primary interviewer, coordinator, and training POC for HQ SACT related specifically to the establishment of a cost effective and consistent StratCom Implementation Training program, to be conducted bimonthly, aiming to :

• create and educate brand groups of transformation professionals to serve as ACT mission and message envoys;
• raise SME’s reputation inside the HQ and their nations
• empower ACT staff members
The work shall consist of three main areas which the StratCom Contractor shall provide support for:
i. Communications Plan assessment, development and execution
ii. StratCom internal staff training and Communications Plan integration execution
iii. StratCom Champion training coordination

Required Experience
• Strategic Communications (StratCom) experience (at least 3 of last 7 years) working in: A NATO environment, a government environment, or in a distinct multi-national working environment in the private sector.

• StratCom experience conducting briefings and/ or training of executive personnel.

• StratCom experience working on Public Affairs or outreach programs (at least 1 of last 3 years)

• Experience organising or leading training or education and workshops or conferences on one of the topics within the StratCom disciplines.

• Experience (at least 3 of last 7 years) developing and performing program surveys and interviews.

• Experience in documentation management or archive procedures.

• Demonstrable knowledge of key priorities, policy, direction, and guidance for NATO StratCom.

• Demonstrable experience conducting or contributing directly to international relations in a government environment.

• Demonstrable experience writing reports and conducting research for governmental organisations.

Education Requirement
• Bachelor’s Degree or international equivalent in Communications or related discipline

Compensation: MCR, LLC’s compensation and benefits package is very competitive. It is designed to help employees meet varying needs throughout their careers and to reward employee’s skills, experience, and potential.

Equal Opportunity Employer: MCR is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor. In addition, MCR participates in the DHS E-Verify program. M/F/V/D

To be considered for this position, please contact:

Dan McMahon
Manager, OSD & International Programs
Office: +1 703 584 7128
Mobile: +1 571 216 3568

2.)  Threat/Intelligence & CI Analyst, T-Rex Corp., Arlington, VA


3.)  PKI Policy Analyst, Cyber Innovation Unit (CIU), Battelle, Springfield, VA


4.)  Contract Specialist, MCR, Norfolk, VA


5.)  Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Analyst, MCR, Springfield, VA

MCR is the trusted leader in integrated program management solutions. For 35 years, we have provided objectivity, smart thinking and the highest levels of support to help our clients get the job done, and done right. Our vast experience and knowledgeable people are our greatest assets. Their subject matter expertise, commitment to excellence and the high quality of their work, combined with our full suite of services, allows our clients to accomplish their missions and support national priorities. Our corporate values are based on integrity, excellence, honesty, service and trust. It is through these values that we form long-term client partnerships, build expertise, and attract and retain talented employees. For more information about MCR, LLC career opportunities, please visit

Description of Duties:

Provide Subject Matter Expertise on a full time basis who will work collaboratively as members of an integrated government, military, and contractor team. Personnel shall support the Source GEOINT METOC Division in providing NSG-wide centralized coordination for METOC activities affecting GEOINT processes and activities.

Personnel shall be adept at working in a dynamic, fast paced, team environment supporting critical GEOINT activities through their METOC and GEOINT domain expertise, effective communication skills, and the development and coordination of METOC-GEOINT products and geospatially-enabled support. The ability to operate autonomously and support 24X7 operations as the sole METOC expert available, interact with senior leaders, and manage multiple time-constrained projects is critical to success.

Requirements for the Position:

•(A) Five years minimum experience working in the Intelligence Community. Bachelor’s degree in Atmospheric Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Geography, Geology, Geographic Information Systems, Hydrography, Hydrology, Imagery Science, Meteorology, Oceanography, Physical Science, Remote Sensing, or a related discipline. –OR- (B) Combination of Education and Experience:
•A minimum of 24 semester (36 quarter) hours of coursework in any area listed in option (A) plus experience that demonstrates the ability to successfully perform the duties associated with this work.
•As a rule, 30 semester (45 quarter) hours of college education is equivalent to one year experience. Candidates should show that their combination of education and experience totals four years. – OR – (C)
•Experience: Six years of significant applied experience in the intelligence field, Imagery Analysis, the use of current GIS tools, or work related to the fields listed in (A) above.
•In an integrated operations environment, the contractor must be able to provide METOC anlyses(past and present), and apply METOC forecasting expertise to enable GEOINT processes and activities in support of national security.
•The contractor must demonstrate a keen ability to leverage METOC data, information and knowledge, to include the following types of products:

-Tailored climatology studies and other climate-based products
-Tailored meteorological and oceanographic analyses and forecasts
-Tailored space weather analyses and forecasts
-METOC data-stream assurance
-Calibration and evaluation support

•The contractor must be able to provide current METOC situational awareness products and advance notification of significant terrestrial METOC and space weather events that may impact NSG operations.
•The contractor must be able to represent GEOINT METOC equities at various NSG and Defense Department working group meetings. Specific attention must be given to NGA’s Integrated Working Group for Readiness, Response, and Recovery (IWG-R3) and the Environmental Geography Working Group of the Human Geography Community of Practice.
•The contractor must be able to provide METOC support to emerging NGA and NSG Activity-Based Intelligence efforts.
•The contractor must be able to operate with limited oversight.
•The contractor must be able to leverage non-standard data streams and sources of METOC data, information and knowledge to enable decisive GEOINT processes and activities.
•The contractor must be able to coordinate daily with other analysts and customers to develop techniques to improve processes/methods to more effectively or efficiently integrate geospatially-enabled METOC products into NSG processes and activities.
•The contractor must be able to anticipate and exploit METOC data, information and knowledge to facilitate the development of effective NGA continuity of operations procedures and, as required, the implementation of such procedures.
•The contractor should have familiarity with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant data formats such as Web Mapping Services (WMS), Web Feature Services (WFS), Web Coverage Services (WCS), and Keyhole Markup Language (KML), as well as formats typically used to transfer METOC data, such as Gridded Binary (GriB) and Binary Universal Format for Representation (BUFR) data formats.
•The contractor must be able to participate in issue-specific Technical Exchange Meetings and working group meetings (e.g. Advanced Geospatial Intelligence Tool Kit [AGI-TK] and GEOINT Visualization Services [GVS] fora).
•The contractor must be able to develop and execute comprehensive plans and strategies to integrate Online, On-Demand METOC data, information and knowledge into all aspects of GEOINT processes and activities across NGA and the NSG.
•The contractor must be able to recommend, coordinate, and execute solutions to provide METOC data content and application services to NGA, the greater NSG community and our allies worldwide.
•The contractor must be able to recommend, coordinate, and execute solutions to enhance the METOC user’s experience through Online, On-Demand GEOINT services that provide access to content, applications, expertise, and support via a more user-friendly and unified web presence.
•It is DESIRED that the contractor have Information Technology Service experience.
•Current/Active TS/SCI clearance is required.

Compensation: MCR, LLC’s compensation and benefits package is very competitive. It is designed to help employees meet varying needs throughout their careers and to reward employee’s skills, experience, and potential.

Equal Opportunity Employer: MCR is proud to be an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer and considers qualified applicants for employment without regard to race, gender, age, color, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected factor. In addition, MCR participates in the DHS E-Verify program. M/F/V/D

6.)  Counter Intelligence/Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) Specialist / ISS-4974, Scientific Research Corporation, Anacostia-Bolli​ng, Washington, DC


7.)  Senior Training Simulator Engineer, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Simulator Division (WNS), Flairsoft, Fairborn, Ohio


8.)  Continuity Planning SME I, UIC Technical Services (UICTS), Arlington, Virginia


9.)  Training Registrar Management Support, Pioneer Technologies Corporation (PTC), Beale AFB, CA


10.)  MC-12W Training Registrar Manager, USfalcon, Beale AFB, CA


11.)  Spacecraft Integration Engineer, ManTech International, Arlington, VA


12.)  Systems Engineer 5, Space Science Mission Operation (SSMO) Project, Honeywell, Greenbelt, MD


13.)  Combat Camera Systems Field Service Representative – Afghanistan, Strike Group LLC, Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan (Customer USMC)


14.)  Counter- intelligence (CI) Reports Officer/De-briefer, Office of Intelligence and Counter-intelligence, Department of Energy Office , CSC, Washington, DC


15.)  Mechanical Design Engineer Sr., Parx Group, Manassas, VA


Job Description:

Well organized, teamwork oriented with prior experience working directly with Mechanical project lead engineers. MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 3 YEARS EXPERIENCE.


Experience in developing and designing electronic equipment for US Navy shipboard use.


Position should last a year.

Requirements:   REQUIRED SKILLS:

Well organized, teamwork oriented with prior experience working directly with Mechanical project lead engineers. Proficiency with Creo / ProEngineer 5 CAD tool, Bill of Material (BOM) creation and management, drawing creation and revision, and CM control tools such as Change Requests and Change Notices. Experience in developing and designing electronic equipment for US Navy shipboard use.



Ability to create & revise drawings in AutoCAD. Familiarity with DoD level shipboard environmental testing – EMI/EMC, Vibration, High impact Shock, Thermal, Humidity, Ships Motion, Enclosure, DC Magnetics. Proficiency with E-PDM data management tool. Mechanical design familiarity of US Navy SSN 688/688I, SSGN, Seawolf platforms, COTS-based display workstations, server racks, HMI designs. Experience with factory production support and issue resolution. Current knowledge of Lockheed MS2 policies and procedures.


To apply, please email resume to Vicki Charbonneau at Please also visit our website at for more information.


16.)  Mechanical Design Engineers MTS Level 3, Hughes, Germantown, MD


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.

Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.


To submit jobs to this newsletter, send to  Include job title, organization/company, location, brief description (optional), and how to follow up (contact, link, etc.).


To subscribe to DEFCON 1, visit .


DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the more than 11,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, visit .


***  Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities


Reach the defense industry professionals in the DEFCON 1 Network!

You can find qualified job candidates or motivated customers with DEFCON 1.


*** One-time “Can’t Wait Announcement”


A one-time job listing or announcement sent immediately to the entire DEFCON 1list.


Cost: $200


*** One-time “Top Job” announcement


If you want your job to run as one of the first five listings, you can be a “Top Job” for $100 per week. This is also the best way to have your job listed in consecutive or multiple newsletters.


Cost: $100


*** One time monthly sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1newsletter for that month; one free “Can’t Wait” announcement.


Cost: $600


*** Two-week sponsorship


Banner ad at the top of the website for two issues, with 20-word text ad at top of the DEFCON 1newsletter for those two weeks. One free “Can’t Wait” announcement.

Cost: $500


*** Annual DEFCON 1 sponsorship


Two one-month DEFCON 1 sponsorship ad placement package, which includes banner ad at the top of the website for one calendar month, with 20-word text ads at top and bottom of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month; 100-word text ad in body of the DEFCON 1 newsletter for that month. ($1,200 value), plus: ad placement in side margin of for entire year (an $900 value); two free “Can’t Wait” postings ($400 value)


Cost: $1,800


*** Sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website:


175×350 pixel sidebar ad on the DEFCON 1 website


One month: $150

Three months: $400

One year: $900


Combination packages are available with and To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2013 Job of the Week Network, LLC



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