DEFCON 1 newsletter for June 5, 2024

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 06/05/2024
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 newsletter for June 5, 2024

Issue # 846


This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Santa Ana, California.


*** Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


***  Sign up for regular free delivery of this newsletter through Google Groups by sending an email to Ned at


***  When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share. This is a cooperative network. That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


*** Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:


30 May-5 June                                  Corona Del Mar, Temecula, Calif.


16-30 June                                          Vietnam


***  Here are your DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Crew supervisor, Veteran Conservation Corps (Partnership with the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Washington Department of Veterans Affairs, and U.S. Forest Service), Washington State


2.)  Cyber Defense Systems Director, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA


3.)  Supervisory Health System Specialist, Ambulatory Care Operations Director-Group Practice Manager (ACOD-GPM), Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Medical Center (VAMC), Veterans Health Administration, Loma Linda, CA


4.)  Reachback Senior Counter Intelligence (CI) Analyst, SOSi, Fort Devens, MA


5.)  SUPERVISORY HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST (MILITARY) Air Reserve Technician (ART)(ARTs are part of the regular career civil service and enjoy all the benefits granted to Federal employees in the competitive civil service), Department of Defense, March Air Reserve Base, CA


6.)  Counterintelligence (CI) Analyst, General Dynamics Information Technology, Hanscom AFB, MA–CI–Analyst_RQ174322


7.)  Cybersecurity Weapon System Engineer, Booz Allen, El Segundo, CA


8.)  Information System Security Manager (ISSM), Raytheon, Woburn, MA


9.)  PRECISION STRIKE WEAPONEERING ANALYST, Weaponeering Subject Matter Expert in the N2 Intelligence Division of Cruise Missile Support Activity Pacific (CMSA PAC), United States Fleet Forces Command, Department of the Navy, CAMP HM SMITH HAWAII,  Honolulu, Hawaii


10.)  PT Counselor/Guidance Instructor – Veterans, Riverside Community College District, Riverside, CA


11.)  Intelligence Specialist, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA


12.)  Deputy NIO Mil Issues and Weapons & Space Systems Intel Committee Chair

Directorate for Mission Integration (MI), Office of the Director of National Intelligence Other Agencies and Independent Organizations, McLean, Virginia


13.)  Information Assurance/Security Specialist, I2X Technologies, Eglin AFB, Florida


14.)  Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist, US Army Garrison Stuttgart, Army Installation Management Command, Department of the Army, Stuttgart, Germany


15.)  Cyber Sys Secur Engr Sr with Security Clearance, Lockheed Martin, Palmdale, CA


16.)  Offensive Cyber Engineer / Reverse Engineer – Senior, Dynetics, Huntsville, AL


17.)  PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST (SOCIAL MEDIA), Joint Planning Support Element (JPSE, Joint Enabling Capabilities Command (JECC), Air Force Elements, U.S. Transportation Command, Department of the Air Force,  Norfolk, Virginia,


18.)  Senior Cyber Security Engineer (Supporting NASA at Johnson Space Center), KBR, Houston, TX


19.)  Reach-back Senior Counterintelligence (CI) Analyst (CONUS) Lead- TS/SCI with Poly, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Massachusetts


*** Sponsorships and combination packages are available with and   To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

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