Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 16 July 2008

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 07/16/2008
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 16 July 2008

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Issue # 106

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“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.”

– Edwin Powell Hubble


Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to


Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):

1.)  Acquisition Principal, Alion Science and Technology, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Washington, DC

2.)  Special Events Coordinator, USO of Metropolitan Washington, Fort Meyer, Virginia

3.)  Mobile USO Program Manager, USO-Metro, Fort Meyer, Virginia

4.)  Development Specialist, USO of Metropolitan Washington, Fort Myer, Virginia

5.)  DoD Executive Assistant, Creative Computing Solution, Falls Church, VA

6.)  Engineering Sciences R&D, Sandia National Labs, Livermore, California

7.)  Capture Manager, DataPath Inc., Duluth, GA

8.)  Information Assurance Analyst, CDI, Battle Creek, MI

9.)  CCIE Optical Switch R&D Engineer, A Prime Solution, Washington, DC

10.)  Geospatial Analyst, Harris Corporation, Palm Bay, FL

11.)  Software Engineer 3, Boeing, Saint Louis, MO

12.)   ILS Integrated Logistics Support Manager, WSI Nationwide, Inc., Fort Monmouth, NJ

13.)  Design Engineer, ATK Inc., Rocket Center, WV

14.)  Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Analyst, Miltec Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama

15.)  Technical Editor/Writer, SCCI, Dahlgren, VA

16.)  Director, Defense Sciences Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department Of Defense, Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA

17.)  Supervisory National Defense Policy Specialist, United States Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland Security, Washington DC

18.)  SENIOR EXPERT FOR OUTREACH PROGRAMS, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Northern Virginia

19.)  Senior Applications Engineer (Modeling & Simulation) Aero, The Math Works, Natick, Mass.

20.)  EO SYSTEM ANALYST, Optimetrics, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH

21.)  Houston Project Manager, PIER Systems, Houston, TX

22.)  Aerospace and Defense Practice Specialist, McKinsey & Company, Washington Metro area


***  And more…


***  If you have a little known naval or military fact, send it to for inclusion in an upcoming issue of DEFCON 1.   


***  From Anne Sharpe at the USNA Alumni Association:


Sir – just wanted to pass along that we've posted the Destroyer Captain
on our Lucky Bag of Books page on

Let me know if you have any questions/comments.

With regards,
Anne Sharpe


***  The Greater Washington Chapter will be hosting a 9-hole golf tournament on July 30 at Fort Belvoir.  Check-in will begin at 0800 with a 0900 shotgun start.  An awards cookout will be held at the end of the tournament.


Registration is now open online at or at the following link:


If you were registered for the June 16 tournament and want to transfer your registration, please do not register online.  Email transfer request to .


Please contact    if you have any questions.


(The previous two tournaments were called on account of rain.)


***  Send an announcement to the 500-plus defense industry professionals on this list for just $200.  Contact Ned at


***  Events and programs at the U.S. Navy Museum:


Maritime Camp Craft Days

at the U.S. Navy Museum!


July 15, July 23, July 31,

August 6, and August 14, 2008

10:00am – 2:00pm


This summer, the Museum again offers five Maritime Craft Days for campers and families. On Tuesday, July 15, Wednesday, July 23, Thursday, July 31, Wednesday, August 6, and Thursday, August 14, 2008 we will offer a variety of maritime craft activities for your campers. Children ages 5-12 can make periscopes, Jack Tar puppets, scrimshaw, sailor valentines and naval officer hats.

Book your visit soon…space is limited for the Maritime Craft Days!

After visiting the Museum, walk across the street to the riverfront to tour Barry, a decommissioned destroyer. See what shipboard life was like during the Cold War era!


July 29, 2008 11:00 AM

6 Bells Author Event

A Sailors History of the U.S. Navy with author Tom Cutler


Adopted by the U.S. Navy for issue to all new Sailors, A Sailor’s History of the U.S. Navy brings to life the events that have shaped and inspired the Navy of today while highlighting the roles of all Sailors—from seaman to admiral. Rather than focus entirely upon such naval icons as Stephen Decatur and Chester Nimitz, as most histories do, author Thomas J. Cutler, a retired lieutenant commander and former second class petty officer, brings to the forefront the contributions of enlisted people. You’ll read about Quartermaster Peter Williams, who steered the ironclad Monitor into history, and Hospital Corpsman Tayinikia Campbell, who saved lives in USS Cole after she was struck by terrorists in Yemen.


As Cutler states in his preface, the book is not a whitewash.  He includes mistakes and defeats along with the achievements and victories as he draws a portrait of a Navy growing stronger and smarter while turning tragedy into triumph.  The result is a unique account that captures the Navy’s heritage as much as its history and provides inspiration as well as information while emphasizing that most essential element of naval history:  the Sailor.



All events and programs at the U.S. Navy Museum are free and open to the public, but reservations to (202) 433-6897 are encouraged to get onto the Washington Navy Yard.  Learn more about the U.S. Navy Museum at


***  Here are the jobs for this week:


1.)  Acquisition Principal, Alion Science and Technology, Washington, DC



 Masters degree in related discipline plus 10 to 15 years of directly related experience in a government contracting environment.


In some cases, educational requirements may be adjusted or waived for more than 25 years applicable work experience. Work experience may be adjusted for highly specialized knowledge or uniquely applicable experience for positions involving new technology or labor market shortages as reflected by market survey data.


Expert knowledge of government or other contracting environment relating to technical, scientific and analytic services, and identification of new business opportunities.


Expert knowledge of the defense acquisition process and ability to support customers in the analysis and improvement of acquisition process policy and procedures.

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Good organizational skills.

A security clearance of an appropriate level may be required after employment. 


 Provides acquisition support to the CG(X) Systems Integration Program Manager (IWS 9.0).

Develop acquisition approaches, acquisition and contractual documentation and analyses for the system development, testing, production and logistics support of the combat system for CG(X).  Serves as the expert in DOD Program Management.


Position Summary


As the organizational expert in the field, provides high level consultation to management in acquisition support. Researches extremely complex acquisition requirements, performs market surveys for potential procurement avenues, and analyzes proposals for applicability to stated functional needs. Works with program engineers to determine procurement strategies to effectively meet program needs in accordance with cost, schedule, and technical requirements.


Duties and Responsibilities          


Develops procurement initiation documentation, including request memoranda, Statements of Work, supply lists, personnel qualifications, justifications, and modifications.


Tracks and monitors the delivery of hardware or services to the client by monitoring contract ceilings, deliverables, and vouchers.


Provides expertise in financial trend analysis, life cycle acquisition tracking, including data entry, file maintenance, and data retrieval and reporting functions.


Uses highly complex quantitative analytical techniques to assess system acquisition process issues and develops risk reduction/mitigation approaches for improving acquisition/program planning, control, and execution.

Consults with customers in the analysis and improvement of acquisition process policy and procedures.

Develops and validates viable business models for business partnerships and acquisitions.

Seeks out and researches prospective opportunities.

Coaches upper management in deal negotiations, contract development, due diligence and other business development or alliance development projects.

Leads meetings with business partnerships and acquisitions


Job ID:  8848


Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full and half-time employees.


(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)


Federal Acct Managers – INtel, Navy, and DOD Services, immixGroup, Mclean, VA


***  From Carole A. Chandler:


2.)  Special Events Coordinator, USO of Metropolitan Washington, Fort Meyer, Virginia


USO Metro is the largest affiliate of the World USO Organization which provides services, special events, and many programs to serve the human needs of military personnel and their families. The Coordinator will report to the Special Events Manager to provide administrative support, coordinate special events, solicit in-kind donations, recruit & train volunteers. 

This is an entry level position requiring a degree in communications.  Understanding of the military and nonprofit worlds as well as exposure to special events are pluses. 


Carole A. Chandler

Human Capital Advisors LLC

Talent Aquisition-Executive Advisory-Organization Development





This is another communications opportunity with USO-Metro.  This job will be located at USO-Metro headquarters at Fort Myer, Virginia (Arlington), but this Program Manager will be driving and managing the Mobile USO vehicle to locations from Aberdeen to Richmond.  This person will manage the whole “USO on the Go” concept.


3.)  Mobile USO Program Manager, USO-Metro, Fort Meyer, Virginia


USO-Metro is a voluntary, civilian, nonprofit organization serving the human needs of military personnel and their families and is the largest affiliate of the World USO Organization. The new Mobile USO seeks a dedicated full-time Program Manager to manage the volunteer corps and operations of the “USO on the Go”  to provide programs and services to installations that do not have a USO Center; to deployments and homecomings; and to actively enhance military community events, training exercises from Richmond to Aberdeen.


This Mobile USO Program Manager will build a favorable brand/public image for USO-Metro, prepare and manage the schedule and budget for events, prepare strategic plan to meet organizational needs, coordinate staff, board, and volunteer involvement in all events, drive and maintain vehicle.  Requirements:  Fearlessness; polished communication skills; BS or at least 5 years of nonprofit experience with focus on communications, marketing, and PR; and ability to lift/move up to 50 pounds and stand 8-10 hours a day.    






Thanks for your support of the USO!  Here is the third job opportunity.  I threw in an explanation of USO. 


4.)  Development Specialist, USO of Metropolitan Washington, Fort Myer, Virginia


USO is a voluntary, civilian, nonprofit organization serving the human needs of military personnel and their families worldwide.  Since 1941 the USO has fostered understanding and interaction between the military and civilian communities.  The core of the USO today is a human services program offered through Airport Centers, Fleet Centers, Family and Community Centers, Orientation and Intercultural Programs, and Celebrity Entertainment. 


USO-Metro is the largest affiliate of the World USO Organization’s 160 locations and one of the most sophisticated and successful.  Administratively based at Fort Myer, USO Metro operates four Airport Assistance Centers, five Family Support Centers, and one Joint Services Center.  USO Metro also provides a wide range of services including local special events, food assistance, holiday programs, hospital visits, information programs, job fairs, orientation programs, child safety programs, an entertainment ticket-line, and administers the worldwide USO program called Operation USO Care Package


Development specialist will report to the VP Communications and Development and will assist with the operations of the development department, including donor identification, cultivation, solicitation, and recognition and will work to diversify funding sources to support programs, services, and projects.

Requirements:  Bachelor’s degree in Communications, at least one year experience in fundraising from foundations, corporations, and individuals.  Military experience or knowledge of USO and programs and services are a plus.




5.)  DoD Executive Assistant, Creative Computing Solution, Falls Church, VA


6.)  Engineering Sciences R&D, Sandia National Labs, Livermore, California


Sandia National Laboratories is the nation’s premier science and engineering lab for national security and technology innovation. We are a world-class team of scientists, engineers, technologists, postdocs, and visiting researchers—all focused on cutting-edge technology, ranging from homeland defense, global security, biotechnology, and environmental preservation to energy and combustion research, computer security, and nuclear defense. To learn more, visit DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION The Thermal/Fluid Science and Engineering Department specializes in fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer. This work spans theory and scientific computing to mechanical design and applied experimentation. The department plays three primary roles in science-based engineering at Sandia: (1) developing new computational methods and tools to describe fluid mechanics and heat transfer; (2) performing computational analysis to predict the design performance of engineered systems; and (3) designing, building, and testing prototype systems. Recent department activities include hydrogen storage and safety technology, combustion and heat transfer modeling, and materials process modeling. Our department is part of the Physical and Engineering Sciences Center, which has about 135 staff members, including 91 Ph.D.s. Our center’s strength lies in our ability to tackle problems from a science-based, multidisciplinary perspective. The center provides solutions to a broad spectrum of research challenges involving engineered materials, micro/nanosciences, and computational modeling and simulation of materials and processes. Research and development supports systems engineering for nuclear weapon stewardship, energy and environmental challenges, homeland security needs, and technological business development. JOB DESCRIPTION We seek a computational engineer to carry out analysis and research in heat and mass transfer. The research component focuses on gaining understanding of physical processes through theory and numerical experiments. The analysis component is twofold: (1) evaluating and optimizing mechanical designs and prototype hardware and (2) understanding interactions between components of complex systems. The engineer may work on several tasks concurrently and must be able to apply research results to impact engineering development projects. Current projects range from weapon system safety and security to alternative fuel infrastructures and energy systems engineering. We work on a dynamic and ever-changing set of problems. Successful candidates will be flexible and demonstrate the ability to rapidly master new engineering science topics. QUALIFICATIONS We are interested in candidates with core skills in conduction and radiation heat transfer and additional skills in forced and natural convection heat transfer, chemically reacting flows, multiphase flow systems, material and chemical processes, hydrogen technology, biofuels, and/or renewable energy systems. An M.S. in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, or a related engineering science and experience in the numerical simulation of fluid mechanics and heat transfer are required, but a Ph.D. is desired. Experience with computational fluid dynamics—both compressible and incompressible flows—is desired, as is experience with methods development and high-performance computing. Candidates should be able to synthesize information from physical and numerical experiments to solve engineering problems, employing an appropriate combination of analytical and computational techniques. Candidates must have a publication record and must demonstrate the ability to make original contributions to the engineering science of heat and mass transfer. Candidates must have strong communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills. Candidates must also demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment and contribute to fast-paced engineering projects, providing engineering design guidance and interpretation of experiments. Candidate must be able to obtain a U.S. Department of Energy security clearance for this position. To obtain a security clearance, U.S. citizenship is required. Apply at: Click on Browse current job openings, and type the Job ID number 59953 into the Keywords box. Click on the Search button to access this job opening, and complete an online application. ABOUT SANDIA Sandia provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package that includes medical, dental, vision, 401(k) with company-match, and a retirement pension plan. Our culture values work-life balance; we offer programs such as flexible work schedules with alternate Fridays off, on-site fitness facilities, and three weeks of vacation. Sandia/California enjoys close proximity to San Francisco, the Silicon Valley, first-tier universities, and diverse cultural and year-round recreational opportunities. Sandia National Laboratories is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V. If this position requires a security clearance granted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. citizenship and employee eligibility for clearance processing will be required at the time of hire. If you hold dual citizenship and accept a job offer for a position that requires a DOE-granted security clearance, you may be asked by DOE to renounce your foreign citizenship and retain only your U.S. citizenship.

NOTES: US Residents Only 



We are interested in candidates with core skills in conduction and radiation heat transfer and additional skills in forced and natural convection heat transfer, chemically reacting flows, multiphase flow systems, material and chemical processes, hydrogen technology, biofuels, and/or renewable energy systems. An M.S. in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, or a related engineering science and experience in the numerical simulation of fluid mechanics and heat transfer are required, but a Ph.D. is desired. Experience with computational fluid dynamics—both compressible and incompressible flows—is desired, as is experience with methods development and high-performance computing. Candidates should be able to synthesize information from physical and numerical experiments to solve engineering problems, employing an appropriate combination of analytical and computational techniques. Candidates must have a publication record and must demonstrate the ability to make original contributions to the engineering science of heat and mass transfer. Candidates must have strong communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills. Candidates must also demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment and contribute to fast-paced engineering projects, providing engineering design guidance and interpretation of experiments. Candidate must be able to obtain a U.S. Department of Energy security clearance for this position. To obtain a security clearance, U.S. citizenship is required.


About Sandia National Labs


Sandia National Laboratories is the nation’s premier science and engineering lab for national security and technology innovation. We are a world-class team of staff members, technologists, postdocs, and visiting researchers. To learn more, visit


7.)  Capture Manager, DataPath Inc., Duluth, GA


8.)  Information Assurance Analyst, CDI, Battle Creek, MI


9.)  CCIE Optical Switch R&D Engineer, A Prime Solution, Washington, DC


10.)  Geospatial Analyst, Harris Corporation, Palm Bay, FL


11.)  Software Engineer 3, Boeing, Saint Louis, MO


12.)   ILS Integrated Logistics Support Manager, WSI Nationwide, Inc., Fort Monmouth, NJ


13.)  Design Engineer, ATK Inc., Rocket Center, WV


14.)  Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Analyst, Miltec Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama


15.)  Technical Editor/Writer, SCCI, Dahlgren, VA


Successful candidate will be a technical editor/writer supporting the Naval Fires Control System (NFCS) program.  Technical documentation to be supported includes system documentation, technical manuals, user manuals, and training materials.


Position Responsibilities:


Develop new, and revise existing, technical system documentation

Consolidate existing system technical documentation into fewer volumes

Validate existing technical documentation against system operation through hands-on testing, identify documentation discrepancies, and revise documentation as appropriate

Essential Skills and Experience:


Thorough knowledge of technical writing principles and practices and demonstrated experience preparing technical documentation

Strong background using Microsoft Office products (Word, Visio, Excel, PowerPoint)

Experience developing and applying MS Word styles and templates

Familiarity with version control and configuration management principles

Thorough knowledge of the software development lifecycle and able to work independently, manage/prioritize multiple priorities, and have excellent interpersonal skills

Ability to write clear, logically sequenced, and grammatically correct documents

Experience with technical editing/writing for DoD Systems

Ability to obtain a DoD SECRET level clearance or higher

Preferred Skills and Experience:


BA English degree

Experience with Navy Fire Control Systems

Skill in using desktop publishing technologies to write or edit material, develop graphic materials, prepare layouts, and deliver final product

3 – 5 years of technical editing/writing experience

About SCCI:


SCCI is a provider of software development, systems engineering, training, and logistics services.  We are proud to be a provider of support to major military weapons systems, but have several other focus areas as well.  We are equally pleased to be categorized as a small business, with employee retention more than 7% better than our closest industry competitors.  SCCI offers competitive salaries and benefits, performance incentives and recognition, professional development plans and annual performance appraisals.


For more information or to apply online please visit our website:


16.)  Director, Defense Sciences Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department Of Defense, Alexandria, Arlington & Falls Church, VA


17.)  Supervisory National Defense Policy Specialist, United States Coast Guard, Department Of Homeland Security, Washington DC


18.)  SENIOR EXPERT FOR OUTREACH PROGRAMS, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Northern Virginia


As a member of the United States Intelligence Community, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is a Department of Defense combat support agency. With over 12,000 military and civilian employees worldwide, DIA is a major producer and manager of foreign military intelligence. We provide military intelligence to warfighters, defense planners, and defense and national security policymakers in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community in support of U.S. military planning and operations and weapon systems acquisition. We invite you to learn how you can become a valued member of the DIA team.


We are committed to:

Service to our country, our community, and our fellow citizens.

Dedication, strength, and urgency of purpose to provide for our nation's defense.

Customer-Focus in the products and services we provide.

Integrity and accountability in all of our actions and activities.

Commitment to inquiry, truth, and continuous learning.

Creativity and innovation in solving problems, discovering facts, and creating knowledge.

Teamwork through internal and external partnerships.

Leadership at all levels within Defense Intelligence and the Intelligence Community.



1. U.S. Citizenship 2. Drug Test 3. Security Investigation


19.)  Senior Applications Engineer (Modeling & Simulation) Aero, The Math Works, Natick, Mass.


20.)  EO SYSTEM ANALYST, Optimetrics, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH


Analyst needed for the simulation/analysis of advanced EO systems including the modeling of illumination sources, atmospheric propagation, target signatures, sensors and signal processing.  Experience with EO system technology and analysis, and a BS degree in related engineering fields or Physics is required.  U.S. Citizenship required.   Active DoD Security Clearance desirable.  Programming experience in MATLAB, IDL or C is a plus. JOB ID 5013

To apply for employment, fill out our on-line employment pre-application form and email your resume to


***  From Pat Philbin:



I hope all is well.  I am in urgent need of a PM to assist us in the
Houston, TX area.  Attached is a job description.

Thanks for the assist and let me know how I can help.



John P. “Pat” Philbin, Ph.D., APR
Senior Vice President
Pier Systems, Inc.


21.)  Houston Project Manager, PIER Systems, Houston, TX


PIER Systems, Inc. is a dynamic software and professional services company based in Washington State. The company is the provider of the Public Information and Emergency Response (PIER) System, well known as the most powerful, comprehensive web-based communication management system available. Top communication professionals in a wide variety of organizations use the PIER System, all sharing a need to manage urgent and critical communications with multiple audiences or stakeholders. PIER is unique in placing all needed communication tools in a simple, easy to use web application.

 Goals and Objectives:

The Houston Project Manager will handle multiple small to medium sized projects on relatively short timelines correlating to a large multi-month implementation project. A successful candidate will maintains a “trusted advisor” relationship with the client key decision-makers, including executive level contacts, and is responsible for understanding and translating the client’s strategic objectives to facilitate expanding future revenue opportunities.

This position requires the discipline to work from home, as part of a widely spread implementation team, with frequent travel to client locations throughout the Houston area.  Additional infrequent travel may be required for clients and marketing efforts throughout the south.  The position requires the ability to create installation and training schedules for PIER System deployments in the region, working with internal and external customers to promote the use and adoption of PIER.  The Houston Project Manager will report to the Director of Technical Services located in Bellingham, Washington.


• Create and execute comprehensive product installation and training schedules
• Provide onsite training of new PIER users in the Houston area.
• Coordinate with product development team to add customer requested enhancements etc.
• Demonstrate PIER’s ability to satisfy clients’ communication and technical requirements and communicate the value proposition of our solution
• Establish and maintain relationships with client leadership and end users
• Travel to meet with customers within assigned territory
• Become knowledgeable about the competitive landscape and how to differentiate PIER

Skills & Knowledge
Ability to manage details and timelines across multiple client installations concurrently
Exceptional verbal and written communication skills
Experience with MS Project preferred

·        Government and/or crisis management experience a plus

·        Experience managing software based deployments

·        Ability to work independently and efficiently without daily supervision

·        Clear understanding of Project Methodology 

·        Strong Presentation skills

·        Strong Negotiation skills

·        Strong Leadership skills

·        Conflict resolution skills

·        Training skills


 Experience & Education
• Minimum 7 years of successful project management experience
• Minimum 5 years experience managing within large enterprise accounts

• Minimum 5 years managing and communication complex projects

• Minimum 2 years of consulting experience preferred

• Bachelors degree preferred


We offer a competitive benefits package that includes medical, dental, life insurance, 401k, paid vacation and holidays.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to their race, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, domestic partner status, or medical condition.

PIER Systems, Inc.
1319 Cornwall Ave., Suite 200
Bellingham, WA 98225


22.)  Aerospace and Defense Practice Specialist, McKinsey & Company, Washington Metro area



***  Ball cap of the week: The Black Dog


***  Coffee Mug of the Day:  Starbucks – Paris


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.


Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to


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DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the nearly 10,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661



(703) 692-4609


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2008 Job of the Week Network, LLC


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– Christian Morgenstern


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