Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 26 November 2008

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 11/26/2008
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SNA Wounded Warrior Project
The Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface Navy Association is raising $30,000 to buy a modified wheelchair conversion van for Operation Second Chance to transport wounded warriors in and around Washington, D.C. to receive medical treatment and attend sporting events and entertainment.  Our current total is about $11,000.

Visit to report your contribution to Operation Second Chance.

Where in the world is the Great White Fleet:

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 26 November 2008

Issue # 114
You are among 648 subscribers

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
– William Arthur Ward

Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 

Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to

Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.

I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.

***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):
1.  Program Manager, Alion Science and Technology, Boulder, CO
2.)  Military Analyst, Advancia Corporation, Fort Dix, NJ
3.)  Senior Microbiologist, Alion Science and Technology, Durham, NC
4.)  Military Analyst, Directorate of Intelligence (DI), The Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC metropolitan area
5.)  Mechanical Engineer Lead, Alion Science and Technology, Warren, MI
6.)  Communications Sr Professional, Computer Sciences Corporation, Arlington, VA
7.)  Administrative Support (Korea), ManTech Security and Mission Assurance, Pyong Taek, SOUTH KOREA
8.)  Military Analyst Lead, Alion Science and Technology, Suffolk, VA
9.)  Contracts Administrator A2/A3, Northrop Grumman, Apopka, FL
10.)  R&D Engineer 2, U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA, Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Los Alamos NM
11.)  Systems Administrator, Focus Technology Consulting, Miami, FL
12.)  Senior Analyst, CALIBRE, Crystal City, VA
13.)  Third Tier Analyst, Break Fix Technician, McNeil Technologies, Washington, DC
14.)  Engineering Tech -Advanced Manufacturing Technology, HARRIS, Melbourne, FL
15.)  C-130 Flight Engineer, ARINC, Hurlburt Field, FL
16.)  Deputy Director, Marine Corps Community Services, Kaneohe, HI
17.)  Sr. Design Engineer – Aerospace, Custom Sensors & Technologies (CST), Moorpark, CA
18.)  Licensed QC Inspector, AAR, Wood Dale IL
19.)  Sr Network Engineer – TS/SCI, General Dynamics Information Technology, Honolulu, HI
20.)  Test Engineer, Pump & Engine Control Systems, Goodrich, West Hartford, CT
21.)  Transportation Coordinator, Honeywell International Inc., Fort Bragg, NC
22.)  MHS OPS Windows SA 2/Secret/Top Secret Clearance, Unisys, Montgomery, AL
23.)  Secretary, USA Field Artillery Center, Capabilities Development Integration Directorate, TRADOC Proponency Office – Sensors, Fort Sill, OK
25.)  Research Analysts, government contractor, Columbia, Md.
26.)  INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington,

***  And more…

***  Clearance:

Ned —

I occasionally see postings that include “eligibility to obtain a 'Secret'
(or other) security clearance” as a qualification.

As I have never had nor needed a security clearance, I have no idea whether
I'd be eligible or what would be entailed.  Is there a resource you could
direct me to that might give me a better idea of where I stand?  Thanks.


(Good question.  There are thousands upon thousands of people who have them, so it isn’t an insurmountable obstacle to employment.  Let's ask the network for a response. Ned)

***  From Timothy W. Coleman:

Would you please consider including a blurb about this memorial scholarship in your next Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter?
The LintCenter for National Security Studies, a non-profit charity, focused on supporting the educational pursuits of the next generation of America's Counterintelligence (CI) and National Security Workers, today formally announced the creation of the Staff Sergeant Richard Eaton Jr. Memorial Scholarship.
As the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches, the Lint Center is pleased to recognize the exemplary service and sacrifice of a great American hero, Mr. Eaton.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at or on my mobile phone (202) 413-2373.
Best regards,

Timothy W. Coleman
Public Affairs Officer
Lint Center for National Security Studies
LintCenter for National Security Studies Announces Memorial Scholarship for U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent, Staff Sgt. Richard Eaton Jr.
WASHINGTON, D.C., November 25, 2008 – The Lint Center, a non-profit charity, focused on supporting the educational pursuits of the next generation of America's Counterintelligence (CI) and National Security Workers, today formally announced the creation of the Staff Sergeant Richard Eaton Jr. Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is dedicated in honor of Staff Sgt. Richard Eaton, a United States Army Counterintelligence Special Agent and Bronze Star recipient who died in Ar Ramadi, Iraq, on August 12, 2003 (Iraq Time).
The newly created fund will award $1,000 to the winning applicant to assist with tuition and other educational costs. The deadline for scholarship consideration is January 31, 2009.
About the 2009 Staff Sgt. Richard Eaton Jr. Memorial Scholarship:
The Staff Sgt Richard Eaton Jr. Memorial Scholarship fund provides $1,000 to recipients pursuing scholastic study in fields related to AllianceBuilding, Counterintelligence, Cultural Understanding, and National Security studies. For more information on scholarship application requirements, please visit
About the LintCenter:
The Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc., founded in 2007, is a non-profit IRS 501 (c) (3) organization created to award merit-based scholarships for Counterintelligence and National Security Workers, their children and scholars, and to advance the study of National Security, cross-cultural studies, and global understanding. The Center, an IRS approved charity, is Veteran and minority operated and managed. For more information, please visit
About Staff Sgt. Richard Eaton Jr:
Staff Sgt. Richard Eaton was awarded the Bronze Star for his service during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In addition to numerous other medals and citations, Staff Sgt Eaton received the Thomas G. Knowlton Award from the Military Intelligence Corps Association which recognizes those individuals who have significantly contributed to the promotion of Army Intelligence. For more information about Staff Sgt. Rick Eaton, please visit: or
About the Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group:
The Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group mailing list (ACIDG-L) is open to all active, reserve, former, and retired Army Counterintelligence Special Agents. Requests will be approved after verification of a subscribers CI status. ACIDG-L is privately run by unpaid volunteers and is not affiliated with the US Army, Department of Defense or any subordinate activity. Rick Eaton and Jim Lint are co-founders of ACIDG-L. It is said that, “Rick Eaton is the moderator from the high ground for ACIDG.” For more information, please visit:

***  From Lesly Simmons, APR:

Hi Ned,
This is not a job listing, but I wanted to share information with you and the JOTW network on how to send some cheer to members of the military in time for the holidays. The Red Cross and Pitney Bowes are working together to collect one million holiday cards for service members and their families in the U.S. and internationally this year. Anyone interested in taking part can simply send a card with a general message of thanks and holiday wishes to our special PO Box, and the Red Cross and Pitney Bowes will sort, screen and deliver the cards in time for the holidays. The mailing address, videos from celebrity supporters Nancy O’Dell and Dr. Phil, and more details are available at
Thank you Ned and happy holidays to you and yours,
Lesly Simmons, APR
American Red Cross
Lesly Simmons, APR | Media Relations | American Red Cross

***  From Pam Denning at the American Red Cross:

Hi Ned!  Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!  Please see below, a special thing we do this time of year….
Support Holiday Mail for Heroes
This holiday season you can spread holiday cheer to our military with a simple card. The American Red Cross and Pitney Bowes are teaming up to collect holiday greeting cards from the public for members of the military, veterans and their families in the United States and around the world. Our goal is to get one million cards this year, and with your help, we will! Visit for all the details on how to send your card and get some help in creating one too! Once you’ve read the guidelines, mail your cards between Veterans Day, November 11 through Wednesday, December 10, to:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P. O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD  20791-5456

***  From Harry Wiley:

Christmas Cards

If  you plan on sending Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address.  If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get.
 A Great Idea!!!

 When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:

                     A Recovering American Soldier
                     c/o Walter Reed Army Medical   Center
                     6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
                     Washington , D.C. 20307-5001
 please pass it on.   

***  Cards:

Hi, Edward – I thought the cards for soldiers was such a great idea that I
immediately addressed a card (before I forgot the idea) and then sent the
idea to several friends and colleagues.

Unfortunately, I got a response back from one of my friends that says the
hospital won't accept the cards!

Here's the post she sent me:

What is this … yet another example of no good deed going unpunished!

Anyway … thought I should share this …

Best regards,

Maria Fotopoulos
in Los Angeles

Oops … sorry … there was more to this … an alternative:



***  From C. Blake Powers:


Thanksgiving marks the end of the annual fundraiser for Project Valour-IT (  Sad to say, we are way behind our goal for this worthwhile endeavor that supplies voice-activated/adaptive laptops and other technology to our wounded and disabled troops.  The fundraiser ( includes an all-in-good-fun competition between the services — the money raised all goes to the Valour-IT fund which is spent ONLY on the technology — and this year there is even a charity auction ( that features signed books from authors including David Weber, Dean Ing, David Drake, John Ringo, David J. Williams, Travis “Doc” Taylor, and Mark L. Van Name.

If you would be so kind, please help us spread the word and see if we might not yet be able to make our goal.  I know things are tight for many, but if every reader of JOTW would donate just one dollar to the general fund, we would be well on our way to meeting our goal.  Via the auction, people can give and get someone a nice holiday gift as well.  One of the most humbling experiences of my life was being asked to present some of the laptops on my way home from my first embed in Iraq; and, some of the most rewarding was hearing how much they had meant and help from recipients.  This is a way to say thanks to those that have paid the price of service in a lasting, tangible, and meaningful way.  Please do so today.



***  SNA GWCHoliday Social December 4, 2008:
Sine’s Irish Pub
1301 S Joyce St
Arlington, VA 22202
Time:  1630-1800

Cost:  No Cost to SNA Members and $5 for Nonmembers
Includes hors d'oeuvres and a ticket for one free drink.
Toys for Tots donations in the form of money or toys collected at the event.
RSVP Required:
***  SNA GWC Luncheon December 11, 2008:
Speaker: The Honorable Sean J. Stackley
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Research, Development and Acquisition

Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, Virginia, USA 22202

Check-In opens at 1100
Lunch starts at 1130
*Note time change

To make a reservation please use the following link:

(Note:  This luncheon is filling up fast.  Don’t miss out.)

***  Greater Washington Chapter Surface Navy Association Wounded Warrior

For the past two years, the Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface
Navy Association has conducted a campaign to assist our wounded
shipmates recovering at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda,
MD.  We collected more than 800 DVDs for the Sailors and marines to
enjoy during their recuperation.  The following year we collected funds
and donated 155 portable DVD players.

This year we want to do something very meaningful for those of our
shipmates limited in their ability to get out and around the Washington
area during their convalescence.  We have determined that Operation
Second Chance provides many valuable services to military men and women,
and would greatly benefit from a conversion van equipped too transport
wheelchair patients in and around the D.C. area to attend sporting
events, concerts, and other wise get out and about. 

This is an expensive proposition, but very important for those men and
women who are virtually stuck in the hospital.  We have carefully looked
at Operation Second Chance and are very impressed with the organization
and the services it provides.

Therefore, SNA GWC is seeking to help OSC raise $30,000 to purchase a
conversion van modified by Adaptive Mobility Systems, Inc. (AMS Vans). 
Please indicate your contribution at the SNA website:

This will take you directly to the OSC website fundraising page for
donations.  (When prompted “How did your hear about OSC?” click on
Surface Navy Association.)  Your donation will be made directly to OSC,
but we want to track our progress so we can follow our progress to
attaining our $30,000 goal.  Our current total is about $11,000.

Our goal is to help OSC raise the $30,000 by December 15th.  If we
exceed the $30,000, the additional funds will be available to OSC for
insurance, registration, maintenance and operating costs for the van. 

Please be generous, and share this appeal with others who share your
concern for those shipmates who had made a very great sacrifice in
service to their nation and security and freedom everywhere.

For information about SNA, visit

For information about OSC, visit

(Some of you noted that Operation Second Chance had imposed a $50 minimum for credit card donations.  I have since arranged to have that dropped to $20.

You can start by checking in here:

***  Littoral Combat Ship:

***  Here are the jobs for this week:

1.  Program Manager, Alion Science and Technology, Boulder, CO

Job ID 9415.

This position requires a Bachelor's degree and 5 – 10 years of experience in the areas of human system integration, human factors research, human performance modeling, and analytical tool development.  Successful project management and new business development experience required.  Experience in managing multiple projects simultaneously and/or large complex projects desired. 
The MA&D Operation of Alion Science and Technologies is accepting applications for Program Manager to develop and manage new and existing programs in the areas of human system integration, human factors research, human performance modeling, and analytical tool development. You will be responsible for oversight of your own projects as well as those of project managers reporting to you. 

Responsible for the cost, schedule, and technical performance on assigned programs.  Manages technical and administrative staff and provides ongoing direction in the performance of the assigned programs.   Ensures project outputs are delivered on schedule and within funding.  Acts as primary customer contact for program activities. 

Develops new business or expands business with existing customers. 

Functional manager for assigned staff responsible for employee related administrative duties, performance reviews, and professional development.

Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the Department of Defense, civilian government agencies and commercial customers. Building on 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion brings innovation and insight to multiple business areas: defense operations; modeling & simulation; wireless communication; industrial technology; chemical, biological, nuclear & environmental sciences; information technology; and naval architecture & marine engineering. Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide.

Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full and half-time employees. 
Conditions of Employment 
Applicants who are offered employment with Alion will be required to complete an Alion Application for Employment form.  Also, as a condition of employment, you will be required to sign a Disclosure and Authorization form for a background/reference check of employment history, education, references and criminal records.  Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results of your reference check. 
Equal Employment Opportunity 
We value the cultural differences our employees bring to Alion.  EOE/AA/M/F/V/D.

(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)

2.)  Military Analyst, Advancia Corporation, Fort Dix, NJ

Serve as a Military Analyst for the CALL IED-Defeat (IED-D) Section at various Combat Training Centers (CTCs). Analyst will collect, analyze, disseminate, and integrate IED Observations, Insights, and Lessons (OIL) and TTPs of Army units planning, preparing, and executing training. Coordinate directly with CTSs, units, and CALL for the collection and release of IED OIL, TTPs, AARs, and surveys collected from unit training exercises and provide this information to A CALL Analysts at Ft. Leavenworth using CALLCOMS, a unique information system of CALL.

Responsibilities include actions to develop, plan, integrate, and execute methods to collect IED OIL and process the information with other IED-D analysts and agencies using various Information Technologies. The analysts will also support CALL and the Army by producing various IED-focused written products for publication and posting to the CALL Web sites; provide CALL information briefings; produce trend reports; weekly and monthly activity reports; and use collaborative Web sites (e.g., TKN and CALL SharePoint). The analyst will interface frequently with CALL-Ft. Leavenworth IED Analysts and perhaps with IED agencies such as the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) and the Joint Center of Excellence (JCOE), plus unit and CTC leadership. Analyst will also support CALL by disseminating IED-D training products throughout the training base and the Joint IED community.

Job Requirements

Possess a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university
Command and General Staff College (CGSC) or an equivalent MEL-4 producing school
Former US Army or USMC MAJ/LTC or SGM
Familiar with IED-Defeat concepts/doctrine/operations/training.
Possess an extensive training and operations background
Working knowledge of the three levels of war and the Army War-fighting functions and be knowledgeable in current U.S. Army tactical operations
Two (2) years experience on a battalion or brigade staff
Proficiency and demonstrated ability with Microsoft office products
Experience in use of NIPRNET and SIPRNET systems.
Applicant will be subject to Government security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information.
Travel is required.

• OIF/OEF experience
• Familiar with joint, multi-national, or coalition operations
• Knowledge of CALL’s Collection and Observation Management System (CALLCOMS)
• Possess exceptional leadership, organizational, and verbal and written communications skills
• Previous duty assignment at a RC CTS is highly desired
• Previous experience with an IED-Defeat organization such as JIEDDO or the JCOE is highly desired

3.)  Senior Microbiologist, Alion Science and Technology, Durham, NC

Job ID 9407.

BS in Microbiology or Biology with 5 – 7 years experience in a microbiology laboratory in the environmental field. MS in Microbiology or Scientific field highly preferred. Experience in microbial identification, Gram staining, streaking media plates, microscopic analysis and biochemical testing is required. Supervisory and training experience are required.  The candidate must be self-motivated, team oriented, and have strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills. The ability to multi-task and communicate effectively with staff, QA personnel, and customer is essential. Our candidate will be proficient in Microsoft Office Excel, Word, and Access as well as have excellent oral and written communication skills. US Citizenship is required and must be eligible to obtain company-sponsored Department of Defense Secret level clearance. Qualified candidates already having an active DOD secret level clearance will be given preference. 

The candidate is to set up and maintain a microbiology laboratory and will perform microbiological testing, data review, and reporting. The candidate will plate, grow, and count bioaerosol simulants, and perform bacterial strain identification.  He/she will apply aseptic methods and protocols and maintain a clean and safe work environment. Other responsibilities will include: develop accurate, reliable data and timely reports; maintain and troubleshoot test equipment, and provide and execute ideas for continuous improvements in laboratory processes. Duties will also include writing and updating of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), as necessary. Routine reports and correspondence will be prepared. There will be a need to train co-workers on microbiological testing techniques. The candidate will ensure compliance with all company policies, procedures, and appropriate regulations. He/she will interact and coordinate activities with other research groups and customers.

Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the Department of Defense, civilian government agencies and commercial customers. Building on 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion brings innovation and insight to multiple business areas: defense operations; modeling & simulation; wireless communication; industrial technology; chemical, biological, nuclear & environmental sciences; information technology; and naval architecture & marine engineering. Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide.

Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full and half-time employees. 
Conditions of Employment 
Applicants who are offered employment with Alion will be required to complete an Alion Application for Employment form.  Also, as a condition of employment, you will be required to sign a Disclosure and Authorization form for a background/reference check of employment history, education, references and criminal records.  Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results of your reference check. 
Equal Employment Opportunity 
We value the cultural differences our employees bring to Alion.  EOE/AA/M/F/V/D.

(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)

4.)  Military Analyst, Directorate of Intelligence (DI), The Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC metropolitan area

The CIA's Directorate of Intelligence (DI) is looking for candidates to serve as military analysts. We have particular needs for specialists on China, the Middle East, and South Asia but also have openings for specialists on Europe, Latin America, and Africa. Military analysts support US policymakers by evaluating the conventional and unconventional weapons systems, defense resources, war-fighting capabilities, intentions, doctrine, and war-fighting of foreign governments, terrorists, and insurgency groups. They can also look at such political-military issues as peacekeeping activities, denial and deception, regional security arrangements, and bilateral and multilateral arms control and nonproliferation regimes and diplomatic negotiations.

Agency analysts are encouraged to maintain and broaden professional ties through academic study, contacts, and attendance at professional meetings. Analysts may also choose to pursue additional studies in fields relevant to their areas of responsibility. Opportunities exist for foreign travel, language training, analytic and management training, and assignments in other offices in the Agency and throughout the US Government.

*Higher starting salary possible depending on experience level.

Minimum requirements:  The DI requires a bachelor's degree with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. A master's degree, relevant work experience, or foreign language capability is desired but not required. The DI desires specialists who have military history, political science, international relations, or security studies degrees, or those with military experience — either as officers or enlisted — but particularly with backgrounds in operations or military intelligence. Good interpersonal skills, a willingness to learn, dedication to the mission are must-haves.

All applicants must successfully complete a thorough medical and psychological exam, a polygraph interview and an extensive background investigation. US citizenship is required.

To be considered suitable for Agency employment, applicants must generally not have used illegal drugs within the last twelve months. The issue of illegal drug use prior to twelve months ago is carefully evaluated during the medical and security processing.

Important Notice: Friends, family, individuals, or organizations may be interested to learn that you are an applicant for or an employee of the CIA. Their interest, however, may not be benign or in your best interest. You cannot control whom they would tell. We therefore ask you to exercise discretion and good judgment in disclosing your interest in a position with the Agency. You will receive further guidance on this topic as you proceed through your CIA employment processing.

To Apply:

Submit Resume Online

Note: Multiple submissions are unnecessary and will slow the processing of your resume. Of course, if you made an error in your submission or need to update your resume, you may submit another resume. The second resume will overwrite the first.
An equal opportunity employer and a drug-free work force.

5.)  Mechanical Engineer Lead, Alion Science and Technology, Warren, MI

Job ID 9406.

Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering or a related scientific discipline plus 8 to 10 years relevant work experience.  Master¿s degree preferred. 

Project Engineering experience.

In some cases, educational requirements may be adjusted or waived for more than 15 years of applicable work experience.  Work experience may be adjusted based on education, or highly specialized knowledge or uniquely applicable experience for positions involving new technology or labor market shortages as reflected by market survey data.

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities

Demonstrated command of engineering principles, methods, and techniques in more than one area of expertise.

Advanced knowledge of relevant tools, equipment, hardware, and software.

Effective customer and organizational level communication, presentation and interpersonal skills.

A security clearance of an appropriate level will be required before employment. 
 Leads highly complex engineering work related to researching, designing, and developing machines, mechanical products, or tools, mechanical production equipment, or engines. May test designs.

Supports senior technical level personnel and program managers in the planning, oversight, and execution of complex and advanced projects related to system and technical product development. Typically supports multiple project activities and may support multiple programs within the organization.  Provides technical guidance and mentoring to lower level technical staff.

Recognized within Alion as a senior level contributor in the field, and may have begun to acquire a similar reputation in the external scientific and client communities.

Duties and Responsibilities  

Applies advanced technical concepts, techniques, and procedures to support multiple project teams in the development of technical products. Performs complex engineering work in design, evaluation, planning, testing and operation in support of program level system and product development, engineering analysis and research. Carries out complex assignments requiring the development of new research concepts or improvement of current techniques and procedures. Displays an advanced understanding and innovative use of concepts and principles in performing assignments.

Supervises and reviews activities of staff, scheduling and assigning work to meet program/project completion dates.  Works closely with senior customer personnel in providing solutions to complex problems and advice on technical issues.

Exercises independent judgment in conducting complex analyses and development efforts, and provides technical direction to other staff. Educates and advises more junior technical staff members in the technical aspects of their efforts. 

Prepares and reviews input to major technical reports, status reports, letters, technical memoranda, contract reports and formal briefings.

Based upon own ideas, prepares unsolicited proposals to secure new projects or the expansion of ongoing project activities that involve support of other staff members. Prepares or coordinates the preparation of complex proposals with contributions from several activities.

Identifies opportunities for new program initiatives. Develops relevant briefings and specific project proposals, and works through appropriate channels to schedule presentation of these briefings and proposals to prospective customers.

Is recognized within the organization in more than one area of technical expertise. Participates in the activities of professional societies. Authors/co-authors technical and scientific articles for publication.

Complies with applicable quality and security procedures in the performance of duties. Establishes and monitors standards for internal quality programs. Provides recommendations for improvements to existing quality systems or applicable company procedures and guidelines

Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the Department of Defense, civilian government agencies and commercial customers. Building on 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion brings innovation and insight to multiple business areas: defense operations; modeling & simulation; wireless communication; industrial technology; chemical, biological, nuclear & environmental sciences; information technology; and naval architecture & marine engineering. Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide.

Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full and half-time employees. 
Conditions of Employment 
Applicants who are offered employment with Alion will be required to complete an Alion Application for Employment form.  Also, as a condition of employment, you will be required to sign a Disclosure and Authorization form for a background/reference check of employment history, education, references and criminal records.  Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results of your reference check. 
Equal Employment Opportunity 
We value the cultural differences our employees bring to Alion.  EOE/AA/M/F/V/D.

(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)

6.)  Communications Sr Professional, Computer Sciences Corporation, Arlington, VA

Communications Sr Professional for Government Program must have specialized experience and knowledge in strategic communication and the interplay between the Department of Defense, Congress, lobbyists, think tanks, and the defense industry. Should also understand the Joint and Interagency role within Strategic Communication. Contractor should have documented experience in and working knowledge of Government/Defense programs. Contractor must have excellent writing skills and be able to communicate orally and in writing.
Essential Job Functions

Assists in the planning, implementation and development of moderately complex communications projects in the areas of advertising and promotional programs, public relations and trade shows to ensure company goals are met.

Implements complex packaging and distribution of marketing materials to ensure proper dissemination of company messages to target markets.

Serves as liaison between the company and its customers, partners, trade associations, outside vendors and media audiences to promote communication and information flow.

Participates in the development of more complex plans for product promotion to support company marketing objectives.

Prepares more complex materials for internal and external presentations on products, business plans and management communications in order to promote company agenda.

Serves as editor for formal business communications as necessary.

Basic Qualifications

Bachelor's degree or equivalent combination of education and experience

Bachelor's degree in business administration, marketing, communication or related field preferred

Six or more years of marketing communications experience

Experience working with company products and operating systems

Experience working with communications practices, principles and procedures

Experience working with problem management tools

Other Qualifications

Must have at least four (4) years of experience and knowledge of strategic communication concepts and principles in the defense industry. A Bachelors Degree with a communication concentration from an accredited college or university is preferred. Additional years of experience may be considered in lieu of education.
Strong marketing and advertising skills

Strong communication skills

Good interpersonal skills to communicate with clients and upper management

Ability to work independently and as part of a team

Ability to deal with ambiguity and change

Willingness to travel

Remote Work Location Authorized:No
Relocation Assistance:Not Available

Clearance Level:Secret

7.)  Administrative Support (Korea), ManTech Security and Mission Assurance, Pyong Taek, SOUTH KOREA
Req ID 27011BR

8.)  Military Analyst Lead, Alion Science and Technology, Suffolk, VA

Job ID 9411.

Current Secret Clearance
Team Lead, Modeling & Simulation experience
Bachelors Degree
US Military service Minimum of 15 years experience, 20 preferred. 
JLVC/JNTC Operational Team Lead: Alion Science and Technology is looking for an experienced Military Analyst to support modeling and simulation operations in a leadership position, working in a cutting edge environment supporting the Joint National Training Capability (JNTC). A Subject Matter Expert supporting JFCOM J7, M&S Technical Team.  Previous experience supporting US Department of Defense, with Joint Training experience, must have the desire and capabilities to provide M&S (Modeling and Simulation) technical support, as a JSAF (Joint Semi-Automated Forces) operator and Military Subject Matter Expert in current warfare operations.   Preferred experience as a United States Navy or Marine Corps Officer, with a thorough understanding of US Military Joint Operations / Surface operations and General Knowledge / experience with US Military Forces – TTPs (Tactics, Techniques & Procedures)


– Exercise planning, model capabilities and limitations, and exercise integrator between USFJCOM, Naval Warfare Development Command, and US and foreign Services.
– United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) Joint Semi Automated Forces (JSAF) Senior JSAF operator for the Joint National Training Capabilities (JNTC), responsible for all facets of JSAF operations from model selection through event execution.
– Conduct extensive reviews of all JSAF data base items, with focus specifically on data _ -Conduct JSAF testing in both a technical and operational environments ensuring base accuracy and designed functionality.
– Build spreadsheets, scenarios and overlays required to support the JFCOM sponsored events.

Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the Department of Defense, civilian government agencies and commercial customers. Building on 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion brings innovation and insight to multiple business areas: defense operations; modeling & simulation; wireless communication; industrial technology; chemical, biological, nuclear & environmental sciences; information technology; and naval architecture & marine engineering. Based in McLean, Virginia, Alion has 3700 employee-owners at major offices, customer sites and laboratories worldwide.

Find out just how far your skills will take you with Alion Science and Technology.  Join us.  We offer competitive salaries and outstanding benefit packages to full and half-time employees. 
Conditions of Employment 
Applicants who are offered employment with Alion will be required to complete an Alion Application for Employment form.  Also, as a condition of employment, you will be required to sign a Disclosure and Authorization form for a background/reference check of employment history, education, references and criminal records.  Employment is contingent upon satisfactory results of your reference check. 
Equal Employment Opportunity 
We value the cultural differences our employees bring to Alion.  EOE/AA/M/F/V/D.

(Note:  If you wish to submit your resume for this position with Alion Science and Technology, please follow the instruction to apply online, but also send your resume to Ned at, and I will also upload it into the system as a “refer a friend” submission for you.)

9.)  Contracts Administrator A2/A3, Northrop Grumman, Apopka, FL

10.)  R&D Engineer 2, U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA, Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Los Alamos NM

Earthquake Engineering Analyst This position reports to the Team Leader, Probablilistic Structural Mechanics Team, within the Decision Applications Division, Nuclear Design and Risk Analysis (D-5) Group. The International and Nuclear Systems Engineering Group is a multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers.D-5 provides modeling and analysis capabilities to design and evaluate the potential risks of complex systems, with a focus on nuclear systems. The engineering analyst will perform analysis, modeling, and evaluation of large nuclear structures exposed to normal operating loads as well as to loads from natural phenomena hazards. The anlytical results will often be cast in a probabilistic format such that knowledge of probabilistic approaches (first order second moment, separation of variables technique, etc) is valuable. Primary tasks will include structural analyses and evaluation in support of safety analysis reports for LANL and other DOE High Hazard (Cat II) and Nuclear facililties. These analyses will involve quantification of uncertainties in state variables, and in capacity equations (ie code capacities). Other tasks will include presenting results and conclusions from these analyses to Laboratory staff, the DOE, technical review bodies, and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. Position Requirements
Demonstrated ability to analyze reinforced concrete structures, foundations, and steel structures to resist seismic and blast loads is required. Demonstrated structural analysis experience using finite element methods as well as familiarity with PC-based structural design computer codes is required. Demonstrated experience in numerical simulations of structural/mechanical response. Knowledge of fundamental finite element analysis (FEA) principles and experience with FEA applications including solid mechanics, structural dynamics/vibrations, modal characterization, and dynamic analyses. Demonstrated ability to work on multiple projects with varying priorities and deadlines. Demonstrated skills in presentation, negotiation, and oral and written communications. Experience with experience-based (walkdown) seismic qualification methodology, soil-structure ineraction analysis, seismic probabilistic risk assessment, and/or nuclear facility and power plant structural design. Experience using structural design codes such as those estabalished by the ACI, AISC, IBC, ASME and ASCE. Experience using DOE STD 1020 and ASCE Standard 4 will be valuable. Experience with any of the FEA codes SAP2000N, ETABS, SAFE, ABAQUS Standard, ABAQUS Explicit, DYNA3D, NIKE3D, or PRONTO3D. Experience with pre- and post- processors used with these codes (I-DEAS, PATRAN). Experience in implementation of user subroutines, or modifying the source of any of the above codes. Programming skills in FORTRAN77, FORTRAN90, C and/or C++ will be valuable. MS or PhD in Civil/Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Engineering Mechanics. Professional Engineering license is desired.

Job Description
Responsible for a broad set of activities within one or more engineering disciplines in support of engineering research and development (R&D), which is defined as the creative application of scientific principles to research, design, or develop structures, instruments, machines, experiments, processes, theories or technologies; or to construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under ambiguous operating conditions. Broad professional expertise in an engineering discipline and the ability to act as an independently functioning skilled contributor is required.

Job Duties
Safety and security are primary responsibilities for all Laboratory employees. Maintains required safety and security training and assures compliance; makes safety and security an integral part of every task. Takes steps to stop work if unsafe conditions exist or security is compromised. 
Adheres to engineering policies, programs, procedures and practices.
Applies and interprets, on a broad basis, existing discipline-specific engineering and scientific principles, techniques, methods and tools to provide solutions for a wide assortment of complex problems where analysis of situations or data requires evaluation of causal relationships which are difficult to establish.
Contributes to the research, design, testing, analysis, verification, and validation of engineering and technology solutions in support of R&D initiatives.
Develops a technical approach, using creativity in applying standard practices and procedures, and leads technical decisions, including selections of technical alternatives, for assigned work.
Develops new methods, techniques or approaches to address critical technical problems. Develops new technical capabilities.
Develops technical products such as journal papers and reports. Contributes to the development of intellectual property leading to publications, copyrights, and/or patents.
Contributes to the completion of milestones on multiple projects. Contributes to the achievement of programmatic objectives.
Sets direction and goals for well-defined tasks involving more than one person. Scopes tasks within a project and defines deliverables at task level. Leads specific project tasks to meet scope, schedule and budget.
Actively participates in professional societies, National Nuclear Security Administration/Department of Energy Complex interactions, special assignments, and/or external special interest groups. May participate in external working groups and/or assist in organizing meetings and colloquia.
Provides peer review of the work of others across organizations or disciplines.
Mentors junior staff and peers in technical and professional growth. May mentor students and/or post-docs.
Maintains state-of-the-art technical expertise and knowledge within discipline, and develops new skills in related disciplines. Attains additional certifications and/or qualifications to grow in field, which may include more advanced educational degrees and/or a professional engineer license.
Models a mutually respectful work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment and that supports cooperation, teamwork, and resource sharing.
Job Knowledge
Demonstrated knowledge of and experience in one or more of the following engineering disciplines:  aerospace, biomedical, chemical, computational, electrical, mechanical, nuclear or other R&D engineering field.
Demonstrated knowledge of and experience in designing, planning, and executing research and development projects. 
Demonstrated knowledge of and experience with application of the scientific method and with discipline-relevant standards for the ethical conduct of research.
Knowledge of Laboratory policies affecting research and development activities, projects, and/or initiatives.
Knowledge of Laboratory objectives and other statements of policy, practice, and/or procedure.
Typical educational requirement is a bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree in engineering from an accredited college or university.
A. Supervision Received

Receives occasional oversight on specific objectives, as well as on complex problems and solutions. Completed work products are subject to supervisory review.
B. Supervision Exercised

Provides technical coordination and/or guidance to junior staff, including post-docs, and peers, as needed.
C. Contacts

Position typically requires effective networking with peers across the division and/or the Laboratory. May have limited independent interactions with peers, organizations, and/or sponsors external to the Laboratory.
This description is not intended to be a complete statement of every aspect of the position, but rather to act as a guide to the essential functions to be performed. Assigned functions of this job may vary, and other duties and responsibilities may be assigned or changed at the discretion of management.
Notes To Applicants
For specific questions about the status of this job, call (505) 665-7244

Pre-Employment Drug Test
The Laboratory requires successful applicants to complete a pre-employment drug test and maintains a substance abuse policy that includes random drug testing.

Government Conflict of Interest
To ensure that you and LANL avoid any potential conflicts of interest, all current/former Government Officials must read and respond, if applicable, to the LANL Applicant Disclosure Form.

For specific questions about the status of this job, call (505)664-6947

11.)  Systems Administrator, Focus Technology Consulting, Miami, FL

12.)  Senior Analyst, CALIBRE, Crystal City, VA

13.)  Third Tier Analyst, Break Fix Technician, McNeil Technologies, Washington, DC

14.)  Engineering Tech -Advanced Manufacturing Technology, HARRIS, Melbourne, FL

15.)  C-130 Flight Engineer, ARINC, Hurlburt Field, FL

16.)  Deputy Director, Marine Corps Community Services, Kaneohe, HI

17.)  Sr. Design Engineer – Aerospace, Custom Sensors & Technologies (CST), Moorpark, CA

18.)  Licensed QC Inspector, AAR, Wood Dale IL

19.)  Sr Network Engineer – TS/SCI, General Dynamics Information Technology, Honolulu, HI

20.)  Test Engineer, Pump & Engine Control Systems, Goodrich, West Hartford, CT

21.)  Transportation Coordinator, Honeywell International Inc., Fort Bragg, NC

Job Number: 00101680
Transportation Coordinator manages all transportation movement
requirements of the Project Manager, submits transportation requests
(TMR), tracks shipments, receives shipments, inspects, checks and
inventories incoming and outgoing shipments, builds pallets for outgoing
shipments, and arranges for movement as required to ensure items
delivered and/or received in support of production elements to ensure no
delays in production occur.  
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: 

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration or related technical
discipline and 4 years of experience. In lieu of formal education, at
least 12 years of related experience. Specific contract requirements
regarding education and experience will prevail.

22.)  MHS OPS Windows SA 2/Secret/Top Secret Clearance, Unisys, Montgomery, AL

23.)  Secretary, USA Field Artillery Center, Capabilities Development Integration Directorate, TRADOC Proponency Office – Sensors, Fort Sill, OK


***  From Joe Perkins:

I'd like to submit the following job for your website:
Our client is in search of multiple Research Analysts to provide support to clients in various government programs, mainly in the areas of control systems security.

25.)  Research Analysts, government contractor, Columbia, Md.


Analyzing infrastructure security trends
Preparation of technical communications products such as industry fact sheets and briefings for CEOs and Congress
Tracking and analyzing research and development activities
Developing and maintaining collaborative working relationships with national laboratories, government program managers, and other security partners
Promoting program successes at industry conferences

Candidates must possess and present solid writing skills
Proficiency required in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access)
Basic knowledge of ongoing infrastructure security initiatives and private-public sector partnerships is desirable

A minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in policy, science, engineering, or related field
Entry level candidates must have one to four years of relevant experience, preferably in energy or cyber security consulting
Mid level candidates must have a minimum of five years of relevant experience, preferably in energy or cyber security consulting
The company is located in Columbia, Md.  They provide engineering and technical support services to the Federal Government.  The salary is $40-$65k based on experience.
Contact Joe Perkins (

26.)  INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington,

***  Ball cap of the week: LMI Government Consulting

***  Coffee Mug of the Day:  San Diego Wild Animal Park / San Diego Zoo

***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at

Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.

Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to

If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want to read the newsletter, then send an email to:

DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the nearly 10,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:

This newsletter is published by:

Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.

For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2008 Job of the Week Network, LLC

“Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.”
– Arthur Golden

SNA Wounded Warrior Project
The Greater Washington Chapter of the Surface Navy Association is raising $30,000 to buy a modified wheelchair conversion van for Operation Second Chance to transport wounded warriors in and around Washington, D.C. to receive medical treatment and attend sporting events and entertainment. 

Visit to report your contribution to Operation Second Chance.


1 Comment
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