Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for May 13, 2009

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 05/13/2009
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for May 13, 2009

Issue # 130
You are among 708 subscribers

“When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.”
 – Thomas Paine

Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.  DECFON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.

THANK YOU TO OUR MEN & WOMEN IN UNIFORM… Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May.  Fly your flags! 

***  My father, Henry Walter Lundquist, was born on this day in 1904.  He passed away in 2003.

Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to

When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 

Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don't forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.

I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.

***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):
1.)  Acquisition Principal, Alion Science and Technology, Arlington, VA
2.)  Media and Senior Media Analysts, Avisar, Inc., Iraq and Afghanistan
3.)  Studio Manager and Broadcast Journalists/Engineers, Avisar, Inc., Iraq
and Afghanistan
4.)  Webmaster, Avisar, Inc., Iraq and Afghanistan
5.)  Graphic Designer/Desktop Publisher, Avisar, Inc., Iraq and Afghanistan
6.)  Public Affairs and Media Analysis, Avisar, Inc., Washington, DC Area
7.)  Studio Manager and Broadcast Journalists/Engineers, Avisar, Inc.,
Washington, DC Area
8.)  Webmasters and Web Content Managers, Avisar, Inc., Washington, DC Area
9.)  Graphic Designers, Avisar, Inc., Washington, DC Area
10.)  Executive Assistant, Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Leesburg, VA
11.)  Technical Editor/Writer, Alion Science and Technology, Suffolk, VA
12.)  Program Officer/Associate for International Security & Energy Policy Programs, American Academy of Arts & Sciences Cambridge, MA
13.)  Senior Research Fellow-China, Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC
14.)   Fellow & Deputy Director, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Doha Center, Doha, Qatar
15.)  National Security Policy Analyst, The Analysis, Simulations, Systems Engineering and Training (ASSET) Business Unit, SAIC, Arlington, VA
16.)  Corporate Director of Security, Stanley, Arlington, VA
17.)  Communications Analyst, Adayna, Falls Church, VA
18.)  Software/Hardware Design Developer, National Security Agency, Ft George G. Meade, MD
19.)  Graphic Designer/Webmaster, ManTech Security and Mission Assurance, ManTech International Corporation, Washington, DC
20.)  National Security Programs, Perot Systems, Herndon, VA
21.)  Test Engineer Specialist, Triumph Gear Systems, Park City  UT 
22.)  Analyst II, National Security Homeland Defense, Anser, Arlington, VA
23.)  Business Development/Sales Manager, Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems, Braintree, Mass.`
24.)  Research Assistant: Foreign Policy—Advanced Strategic Studies, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC
25.)  Program Manager IV, ATK, Beavercreek, OH 
26.)  Friction Crane Operator, Atlantic Marine, Mayport, Florida

***  And more…

***  There will be a Corporate Gray “Security Clearance” Job Fair at the DoubleTree Hotel – Crystal City (near the Pentagon City metro stop) on Thursday, May 21, 2009.  Job fair hours are 10 am to 2 pm.  This job fair is only for job seekers with a Department of Defense security clearance of Secret or higher.  The security clearance must either be active (using it now) or current (used within the past 2 years). 
Up to 40 employers will be participating; including: Lockheed Martin, IBM, Raytheon, Defense Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, BAE Systems, McAfee, Battelle, and more!
Pre-registration is encouraged through Corporate Gray Online,  By pre-registering for this event, “cleared” job seekers will make their resumes available in advance to the participating companies and get the Employer Directory the weekend before the event.

***  From Bridget. R. Anderson:


Am conducting this search for a client; thanks for your help! 

Niche military banking association is looking for a PR firm that has contacts/experience in banking and the US military community (i.e., DoD, the individual Services – Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines – and Capitol Hill).  Media and Hill relationships are key along with a working knowledge of how banks and credit unions uniquely serve the US military community here and abroad.  Please contact Bridget R. Anderson at 703-759-4525 or for an introduction to this unique trade association. 

Ned – I don’t mean to be vague; this is all that’s available at the time but they are ready to send out an RFP to interested parties so it seemed like a worthwhile post.

Hope all’s well at your end –

Thanks for your help!


Bridget. R. Anderson
(W) 703-759-4525
(C)   703-447-6783

***  Reunions/Navy: Marquette Navy ROTC, July 25, Milwaukee. Contact: S.Jones, 1532 West Clybourn St., Milwaukee, WI 53233, (414) 288-5141, fax: (414) 288-7078,

***  Surface Navy Association Golf Tournament – June 3, 2009

The Greater Washington Chapter summer golf tournament is scheduled for June 3 at Fort Belvoir.  Registration is now open online at or at the following link:

***  From Dr. Ed Whitman:

The beaten foe emerged. 
All over the broad Atlantic, wherever they had been working or lying hid, the U-boats surfaced, confessing the war's end.  A few of them, prompted by determination or struck by guilt, scuttled or destroyed themselves, or ran for shelter, not knowing that there was none; but mostly they did what they had been told to do, mostly they hoisted their black surrender flags, and stayed where they were, and waited for orders.
They rose, dripping and silent, in the Irish Sea, and at the mouth of the Clyde, and off the Lizard in the English Channel, at the top of the Minches where the tides raced; they rose near Iceland, where Compass Rose was sunk and off the north-west tip of Ireland, and close to the Faeroes, and on the Gibraltar run where the sunk ships lay so thick, and near St. Johns and Halifax and in the deep of the Atlantic, with three thousand fathoms of water beneath their keel. 

They surfaced in secret places, betraying themselves and their frustrated plans: they rose within sight of land, they rose far away in mortal waters, where on the map of the battle, the crosses that were the sunken ships were etched so many and so close that the ink ran together.  They surfaced above their handiwork, in hatred or in fear, sometimes snarling their continued rage, sometimes accepting thankfully a truce they had never offered to other ships, other sailors. 

They rose, and lay wherever they were on the battlefield, waiting for the victors to claim their victory. 
– Nicolas Monsarrat
 (“V.E. Day,” from The Cruel Sea)  
(May 8 was the 64th anniversary of V.E. Day (for “Victory in Europe”), 8 May 1945, which marked the German surrender and the end of World War II in the European theater.  Lest we Forget.  English novelist Nicolas Monsarrat (1910-1979) was born in Liverpool and earned a law degree at Cambridge.  With the outbreak of  World War II, he joined the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and served on the North Atlantic convoys for several years.  This experience led to his crafting perhaps the most highly regarded novel about modern naval warfare yet written – The Cruel Sea – which appeared in 1951 while its author was serving as a British diplomat in South Africa.  An equally esteemed motion picture, starring Jack Hawkins, was made of the book two years later, and it remains a classic today.  Several other Monsarrat novels followed, but none ever gained the stature of The Cruel Sea.) 
N.B.  Here is a harrowing excerpt from the movie version of The Cruel Sea:

***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:

1.)  Acquisition Principal, Alion Science and Technology, Arlington, VA

Job Ref. No. 10156
Candidate must be able to quickly assess the HR personnel and process management dynamics of a fast paced program office in order to make recommendations to executive leadership on methods and methodologies to improve and enhance performance.  This must include such diverse expertise as formal process improvement methodologies, total quality management techniques, approaches to implementing operational infrastructure frameworks and policy review and enhancement.  These skills must be applied across a diverse suite of program office IPTs and well as functional domains.  Candidate must balance resources and time available to seek optimal attainment of program office charters.  Moderate travel will be required depending on the nature of the problems being solved and the locations of the organizations where the solution must be implemented.
Demonstrated skills in establishing high level government office Ops Admin and HR tasks areas, requirements and functional needs.  Established background in assessing business process and financial management needs of multiple organizations in a distributed enterprise environment.  Able to lead geo-distributed organizations in development of complex systems.   Considerable practical experience at  administrative/operations management, human resources, and organizational development.  Working knowledge of  strategic processes/programs performance enhancements across all spectrum of performance and cost measures.  Experience at isolating problem areas and then defining the specific solution set.  Able to relate to both public and private sectors and the many  embedded cultures.  Comfortable with both large and small team leadership demands.

Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions
company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the
Department of Defense, civilian government agencies and commercial
customers. Building on 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion
brings innovation and insight to multiple business areas: naval
architecture & marine engineering; defense operations; systems
engineering; modeling & simulation; information management & technology;
chemical, biological, nuclear & environmental sciences; wireless
spectrum engineering; and industrial technology. Based in McLean,
Virginia, Alion employee-owners are located at major offices, customer
sites and laboratories worldwide.

***  These have been posted as “Can't Wait” opportunities with Avisar:

Avisar, Inc. is growing small business.  Service-disabled,
veteran-owned, Avisar focuses on providing high-level, professional
support services primarily within the Department of Defense agencies. 
We offer our employees a chance to excel on projects and to make a
viable contribution to our clients.  Below is a brief summary of
current opportunities to join our team of professionals and make a
difference to our clients.


2.)  Media and Senior Media Analysts, Avisar, Inc., Iraq and Afghanistan

Seeking public affairs and IO professionals with a demonstrated history
of media analysis and relations, strategic communications experience in
a DOD environment. Must possess drive and desire to work and live in
high energy, demanding environment with unparalleled opportunity to
excel and make a difference. Language skills and/or current clearance a
plus. Degree required.

If interested please send a cover letter, detailed resume, references,
date of availability to deploy to the Middle East, and clearance
information to Email subject line must reference
“Middle East – Public Affairs /Media Analyst /IO”

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer

3.)  Studio Manager and Broadcast Journalists/Engineers, Avisar, Inc., Iraq
and Afghanistan

Seeking professionals with proven video broadcast experience in a DOD
environment. Must possess drive and desire to work and live in high
energy, demanding environment with unparalleled opportunity to excel and
make a difference. Current clearance a plus; ability to obtain a
clearance required.

If interested please send a cover letter, detailed resume, references,
date of availability to deploy to the Middle East, and clearance
information to Email subject line must reference
“Middle East – Studio Manager /Broadcast Journalists /Engineers”

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer

4.)  Webmaster, Avisar, Inc., Iraq and Afghanistan

Seeking well rounded professionals with verifiable experience in the
development/maintenance of commercial websites in a DOD environment.
Expert level creative/graphic skills including Flash, Dreamweaver,
DHTML, Fireworks and Photoshop in a cross-browser environment a must.
Competence with web technologies for front-end and back-end development
i.e., SML, JavaScript, ASP, SqL server and Windows NT strongly desired.
BS a plus.  Must possess drive and desire to work and live in high
energy, demanding environments with unparalleled opportunity to excel
and make a difference. Current clearance a plus; ability to obtain a
clearance required.

If interested please send a cover letter, detailed resume, references,
date of availability to deploy to the Middle East, and clearance
information to Email subject line must reference
“Middle East – Webmaster”

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer

5.)  Graphic Designer/Desktop Publisher, Avisar, Inc., Iraq and Afghanistan

Seeking senior level professionals with demonstrated experience in print
media and production.  Experience in DOD environment using the Adobe
Creative Suite and other graphics, multimedia and desktop publishing
tools at an expert level. Degree desired. Must possess drive and desire
to work and live in high energy, demanding environments with
unparalleled opportunity to excel and make a difference. Current
clearance a plus; ability to obtain a clearance required.

If interested please send a cover letter, detailed resume, references,
date of availability to deploy to the Middle East, and clearance
information to Email subject line must reference
“Middle East – Graphic Designer/Desktop Publisher”

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer


6.)  Public Affairs and Media Analysis, Avisar, Inc., Washington, DC Area

Opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of
DOD customers.  We are seeking senior practitioners with broad
experience in public affairs, media analysis, strategic communications,
media relations, and media production within the DOD arena. Language
skills and/or current clearance a plus. Degree required.

If interested please send a cover letter, detailed resume, references,
salary requirements and clearance information to Email
subject line must reference
“DC Area – Public Affairs /Media Analyst /IO”

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

7.)  Studio Manager and Broadcast Journalists/Engineers, Avisar, Inc.,
Washington, DC Area

Opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of
DOD customers. We are seeking professionals with proven video broadcast
experience and the drive and desire to work in a high energy, demanding
environment with unparalleled opportunity to excel and make a
difference. Current clearance a plus; ability to obtain a clearance

If interested please send a cover letter, detailed resume, references,
salary requirements and clearance information to Email
subject line must reference “DC Area – Studio Manager /Broadcast
Journalists /Engineers”

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

8.)  Webmasters and Web Content Managers, Avisar, Inc., Washington, DC Area

Opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of
DOD customers. We are seeking professionals with proven web experience
and the drive and desire to work in a high energy, demanding environment
with unparalleled opportunity to excel and make a difference. BS degree
a plus; current clearance a plus; ability to obtain a clearance

If interested please send a cover letter, technical skill set, detailed
resume, references, salary requirements and clearance information to Email subject line must reference
“DC Area – Webmasters and Web Content Managers”

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

9.)  Graphic Designers, Avisar, Inc., Washington, DC Area

Opportunity to work for Avisar, a leading consulting firm, in support of
DOD customers.  We are seeking senior level professionals with
demonstrated experience in print media and production.  Experience using
the Adobe Creative Suite and other graphics, multimedia and desktop
publishing tools at an expert level. Degree desired. Must possess drive
and desire to work in high energy, demanding environments with
unparalleled opportunity to excel and make a difference. Current
clearance a plus; ability to obtain a clearance required.

If interested please send a cover letter, technical skill set, detailed
resume, references, salary requirements and clearance information to Email subject line must reference “DC Area – Graphic

Avisar is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

10.)  Executive Assistant, Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Leesburg, VA

11.)  Technical Editor/Writer, Alion Science and Technology, Suffolk, VA

Job Ref. No. 10150
The document specialist collaborates with NCTE subject matter experts to develop, compile, edit, and format all NCTE documentation, to include Standard Operating Procedures, required reports, technical manuals, memorandums, site manuals, and correspondence.


Serve as point person for all required and ancillary documents necessary to the M&S directorate.


Develop, edit, and format NCTE documentation including but not limited to reports, SOPs, site manuals, NCTE correspondence, and memoranda.

Develop report templates as appropriate.

Maintain NCTE Document Library.

Prepare and submit site documents for FRCB review.

Administer NCTE SharePoint Site.

Provide administrative support to Ops/Plans.
Bachelor's degree in a related discipline plus 0 to 2 years of directly related experience.

In some cases, educational requirements may be adjusted or waived for more than 10 years applicable work experience. Work experience may be adjusted for highly specialized knowledge or uniquely applicable experience for positions involving new technology or labor market shortages as reflected by market survey data.

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities

Proficiency in the English language.

Familiar with appropriate style guidelines.

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

A security clearance of an appropriate level may be required after employment.

Alion Science and Technology is an employee-owned technology solutions
company delivering technical expertise and operational support to the
Department of Defense, civilian government agencies and commercial
customers. Building on 70 years of R&D and engineering experience, Alion
brings innovation and insight to multiple business areas: naval
architecture & marine engineering; defense operations; systems
engineering; modeling & simulation; information management & technology;
chemical, biological, nuclear & environmental sciences; wireless
spectrum engineering; and industrial technology. Based in McLean,
Virginia, Alion employee-owners are located at major offices, customer
sites and laboratories worldwide.

12.)  Program Officer/Associate for International Security & Energy Policy Programs, American Academy of Arts & Sciences Cambridge, MA

13.)  Senior Research Fellow-China, Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC

14.)   Fellow & Deputy Director, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Doha Center, Doha, Qatar

15.)  National Security Policy Analyst, The Analysis, Simulations, Systems Engineering and Training (ASSET) Business Unit, SAIC, Arlington, VA

16.)  Corporate Director of Security, Stanley, Arlington, VA

17.)  Communications Analyst, Adayna, Falls Church, VA

18.)  Software/Hardware Design Developer, National Security Agency, Ft George G. Meade, MD

19.)  Graphic Designer/Webmaster, ManTech Security and Mission Assurance, ManTech International Corporation, Washington, DC

20.)  National Security Programs, Perot Systems, Herndon, VA

21.)  Test Engineer Specialist, Triumph Gear Systems, Park City  UT

22.)  Analyst II, National Security Homeland Defense, Anser, Arlington, VA

23.)  Business Development/Sales Manager, Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems, Braintree, Mass.
24.)  Research Assistant: Foreign Policy—Advanced Strategic Studies, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC

25.)  Program Manager IV, ATK, Beavercreek, OH

26.)  Friction Crane Operator, Atlantic Marine, Mayport, Florida

***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at

Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.

Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to

If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want to read the newsletter, then send an email to:

DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the nearly 10,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:

This newsletter is published by:

Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661

Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.

For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2009 Job of the Week Network, LLC

“Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road.”
–  Dag Hammarskjold

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