Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for May 26, 2010

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 05/26/2010
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To aid in the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded service men and women.  To assist in the modification of housing to accommodate disabled veterans.  To assist the families of wounded service men and women.  To facilitate the transition of wounded service men and women back into civilian society.


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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for May 26, 2010

Issue # 184

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“All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again.”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.  DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 


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I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):

1.)  Prog&Plan Control Analyst Intern, Washington Consulting Government Services, Arlington, VA

2.)  Ethics and Compliance Administrator, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA

3.)  Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) Science Advisor, Office of Naval Research Global Fleet Forces, Chief of Naval Operations (N2/N6), Washington, DC.

4.)  QC Inspector – Electronics, Crestwood Technology Group, Yonkers, New York

5.)  System Safety Engineer, The Boeing Company, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania

6.)  Business Market Research Analyst, OMNITEC Solutions, Lexington Park, Maryland

7.)  Division Director of Communications, Northrop Grumman, McLean, VA

8.)  Graphic Artist 2, Northrop Grumman, Ft. Lee, VA

9.)  Copy Editor, SAIC, Shalimar, FL

10.)  Capture Manager/Business Development Manager Defense and Security, Daylight Solutions, Poway, CA 

11.)  Corporate Citizenship Representative, Northrop Grumman, Baltimore, MD

12.)  Test Manager for Ground Based Air Defense, BAE Systems, Stafford, VA

13.)  Mechanical Engineer, Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Air Force Materiel Command, Robins AFB, GA

14.)  Environmental Engineer, United States Coast Guard, Elizabeth City, NC

15.)  Electrical Engineer, Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, IL

16.)  Computer Engineer/Electronics Engineer/Computer Scientist, Defense Information Systems Agency, Ft. Meade, MD

17.)  Experienced Financial Analyst (Defense Contracting), Advanced Engineering & Sciences (AES), ITT Corporation, Arlington, VA


…and more!


***  “The Bridges at Toko-Ri” – Remembering Naval Aviators in the Korean War


Navy Memorial Hosts Author Lecture and Film Screening About The Bridges of Toko-Ri


Join the Navy Memorial at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 26, when author David Sears will discuss his new book Such Men as These: The Daring Exploits and Real Life Heroes that Inspired James A. Michener's Bridges at Toko-Ri, followed by a screening of the 1954 classic, Academy Award-winning film “The Bridges at Toko-Ri,” starring William Holden and Grace Kelly. Event is free and open to the public, but seating is limited.


***  From Norman Polmar:


The Philadelphia Inquirer
Sun, May. 23, 2010

Historic warship's future may be sunk
By Edward Colimore
Inquirer Staff Writer

The old warship has been part of Philadelphia's waterfront for 50 years and left lasting impressions on thousands of visitors who heard gripping stories of its role in the Spanish-American War.

Now the Olympia – the last surviving vessel from that 1898 conflict – could face an ignoble end as an artificial reef off Cape May if a new benefactor cannot be found.

The Independence Seaport Museum and the Navy have already checked with officials of New Jersey's Artificial Reef Program on the possibility of sinking the ship, once a source of national pride.

“Another option would be scrapping Olympia,” said James McLane, interim president of the museum, which owns the ship and is adjacent to it at Penn's Landing. “But the Navy has told us that 'reefing' is better because it would allow divers to go down on it and would preserve Olympia.”

The museum can no longer afford the ship's upkeep, McLane said. At least $20 million is needed to tow, restore, interpret, and endow the deteriorating vessel.

“We have a couple people we're talking to who might take the ship,” McLane said, “but these things don't move with great speed.”

The ship will be open until the end of September, then closed while its future is determined, McLane said.

“This may be the last summer for people to visit,” he said. “They should come to see it while they can.”

Another former Navy warship, the Arthur W. Radford, a 563-foot-long Spruance class destroyer, will be sunk by the fall to create a reef about 30 miles southeast of Cape May.

As for the Olympia, “we recognize the historic significance of the ship,” said Larry Hajna, a spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Protection. “It's not our call. It was an inquiry. The DEP is not endorsing this.”

Countless tons of vessels, military tanks, railroad cars, and other materials have been reefed since the state's Bureau of Marine Fisheries began the program in 1984. The purpose is to provide a habitat for marine life, fishing grounds, and points of interest for scuba divers.

Talk of making the Olympia part of New Jersey's reef network disappoints ship supporters such as Harry Burkhardt, a merchant marine captain and steam-engine expert who is a volunteer on the vessel.

Burkhardt is president of Friends of the Cruiser Olympia (, which is trying to raise money for preservation of the ship. The group got its nonprofit status this month and has begun receiving pledges and interest from individuals and corporations, Burkhardt said.

“We want to take over its ownership and operation,” he said. “We have a long list of ideas, but we have to save the ship to implement them.”

Burkhardt, 53, of South Philadelphia, said he would turn the Olympia into a self-sustaining museum with a living-history crew and education programs for inner-city children.

“I think what's happening is a total disgrace,” he said. “The Liberty Bell has a crack in it, but we don't melt it down. The Statue of Liberty turned green with corrosion, but we don't throw it away.”

The Olympia “was a symbol of America's might and freedom,” Burkhardt said. “Now she's a symbol of negligence.”

Concerned about the condition of the Olympia, the Navy sent a letter to the museum last May asking about plans to dry-dock the vessel for the necessary maintenance.

On the water line, small portions of the Olympia's half-inch steel hull have corroded to an eighth of an inch and must be monitored continually. Water leaks through the deck into the interior, causing further rust.

“We have cared for Olympia lovingly,” McLane said. “We have put $5.5 million into it and spend money on it every day.”

The Olympia was authorized in 1888 and commissioned in 1895. The state-of-the-art vessel led five other U.S. warships into Manila Bay in the Philippines on May 1, 1898, and fired shots in a battle to wrest control of that country from the Spanish.

Navy Commodore George Dewey stood on the bridge of the ship and uttered the famous words: “You may fire when you are ready, Gridley.”

Under Dewey's command, the U.S. fleet destroyed 10 Spanish cruisers and gunboats in hours without losing an American life.

The Olympia spent World War I in the Atlantic Ocean, and brought remains of the Unknown Soldier home from France in 1921.

It was docked at the Philadelphia Navy Yard from 1922 to 1959, and was on display at Pier 11 at the Benjamin Franklin Bridge through the 1960s until 1976, when it was moved to Penn's Landing. Today, the vessel is the world's oldest floating steel warship.

“The Navy has been in discussions with the museum to come up with a disposition plan if they can no longer operate it,” said Patricia Dolan, a Navy spokeswoman. “Any plan for disposal of the vessel – scrapping or reefing – will have to be approved by the Navy.”

The thought of scuttling the naval time capsule – filled with paintings, photos, and artifacts – has raised the ire of historians.

“It will be a national disgrace and major embarrassment for Philadelphia and Pennsylvania if Olympia is disposed of by scrapping or being sunk off the coast of New Jersey,” said naval historian Lawrence Burr, who has produced documentaries and written four books, including U.S. Cruisers 1883-1904: The Birth of the Steel Navy.

“Neither the Spanish navy in 1898 nor the German navy in 1917-18 was able to sink Olympia,” he said. “It will be ironic if the State of New Jersey is able to sink this unique historic warship that has been in the care of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania for over 50 years, and who have benefited from its role as a tourist attraction. . . .

“If sunk, she will only be seen by a small elite who are able to dive, with the risk that she will be plundered for souvenirs,” he said.

Also expressing disappointment was the nonprofit Theodore Roosevelt Association in Oyster Bay, N.Y. Congress chartered the group in 1920 to perpetuate the legacy of Roosevelt, who was assistant secretary of the Navy before the Spanish-American War and ordered the Olympia furnished with extra coal so it could be sent to the Philippines. Roosevelt resigned from his office and served as a colonel in the Rough Riders during the invasion of Cuba.

The possible sinking of the Olympia “is an outrage,” said Howard Ehrlich, executive director of the association. “You would think veterans groups would get together and lobby the Navy to save the ship.”

Even sinking the 5,600-ton ship would be costly. Because of the ship's 211/2-foot draft, the basin where it is berthed would have to be dredged so the vessel could be moved to dry dock. There, it would be structurally reinforced so it could be safely towed down the Delaware River to the reef location.

“No decision has been made,” McLane said. “This is not what we want to do. In these tough economic times, everybody is forced to make tough decisions.”

Contact staff writer Edward Colimore at 856-779-3833 or

***  From Taylor Kiland:


Learn How To Write Your Navy Memoir!


Share your story!  Every veteran has a story to tell and the Navy Memorial can help you create it — for yourself or your favorite veteran!


In this three-hour workshop, veterans and students will learn how to research and write good stories — memoirs, oral histories or digital video stories.  Attendees will see and read examples of really good stories and will be given takeaway materials with tips and suggestions on how to create your own.  A documentary filmmaker and a book publisher that specializes in military memoirs will be conducting the workshop and will also be available for one-on-one consultation.  The event is free, but seating is limited.


Date:  Sunday, May 30

Time:  9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Registration starts at 8:00 a.m.)

Location: Naval Heritage Center, 701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20004

To RSVP, email Taylor Kiland at


***  Admiral Thad W. Allen to step down in ceremonies May 25

The Journal of Commerce Online – News Story


***  SNA GWC Golf Tournament – June 30:


The Greater Washington Chapter golf tournament is scheduled for June 30 on the Woodlawn Course at Fort Belvoir.  Registration is now open online at  or at the following link:


***  Cooking with the Troops:




My culinary troop support efforts that started as me doing a steak dinner for the wounded at Landstuhl has now turned into something more.  Partnering with Bob Miller, who has been doing barbecues at Walter Reed since 2005, we have formed Cooking with the Troops Inc.  We have incorporated, filed for 501(c)(3) status, gotten up a placeholder WWW site ( and have a lot to do and not much to do it with.


What the JOTW crew will be interested in is our logo contest.  We are launching a nationwide contest for a logo, with prizes provided by The Spice House (; author and knife maker Michael Z. Williamson ( &; and, singer Gretchen Wilson (  Details are on our site at


We hope that you and the JOTW members will help spread the word about the contest.  As noted above, we need all the help we can get with this and with all our efforts.  We have committed to at least four barbecues and three special food events (one of which will be a New England Clam Bake on the Jersey Shore for wounded from Walter Reed on Sept. 11). 


Thanks for your time, help, and service.




***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Prog&Plan Control Analyst Intern, Washington Consulting Government Services, Arlington, VA




Gather, review, and analyze data submitted to ONR concerning tasking, progress and results of the ONR-funded and managed Sea Perch Program.  Create and populate a database with the appropriate data and create program manager-level reports and high-level manager summary reports.  Create and maintain current a web page for Sea Perch on the ONR Public Website 




High School Diploma


Experience developing and maintaining a web site.


Ability to obtain a secret clearance


2.)  Ethics and Compliance Administrator, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA


MIT Lincoln Laboratory is a federally-funded research and development center (FFRDC) chartered to develop advanced technology in support of national security. Research and development activities focus on long-term technology development as well as rapid system prototyping and demonstration. The Laboratory works with government and industry to transition new concepts, technology and prototypes into future system development and deployment.


Position Summary


The Technology & Contracts Office (TCO) is seeking an Ethics and Compliance Administrator to administer the Lincoln Laboratory Ethics and Conflict of Interest (COI) compliance program in accordance with established Laboratory policy and procedures and (FFRDC) contract requirements. Primary duties and responsibilities include manage and further develop the systems, processes, and training supporting the COI program; COI reviews of major blanket contractors; source selection COI reviews; ethics and COI compliance policy development; hotline reporting investigation and resolution; financial statement (ASFI) reviews; and liaison with US Government offices re: COI disclosures and audits. Will report to the Assistant Department Head, TCO, Contracting Services Department.




Juris Doctorate Degree required


5-10 years work experience in federal acquisition (Federal Acquisition Regulation and

DFARS) demonstrating progressively responsible assignments


Experience and/or knowledge of federal ethics and COI compliance is highly desired<


Excellent verbal skills, including presentation and training skills


Excellent writing and documentation skills


Strong analytical skills


Excellent organization and prioritization skills


Ability to manage projects and work collaboratively with team members


The ability to obtain and retain a government security clearance


3.)  Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) Science Advisor, Office of Naval Research Global Fleet Forces, Chief of Naval Operations (N2/N6), Washington, DC


4.)  QC Inspector – Electronics, Crestwood Technology Group, Yonkers, New York


5.)  System Safety Engineer, The Boeing Company, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania


6.)  Business Market Research Analyst, OMNITEC Solutions, Lexington Park, Maryland


***  From Kristy Wyngaarden:


7.)  Division Director of Communications, Northrop Grumman, McLean, VA

Roles and Responsibilities: The Division Director of Communications is responsible for supervising the strategic development, implementation and coordination of external and internal communications. The Director will work closely with the Division General Manager, Sector Communications VP and other senior management in driving strategy and opportunities for current and future business opportunities. The Director of Communications supervises Division Marketing Communications, Executive Communications and Internal Communications staff and budgets. In close coordination with Corporate and Sector Communications leadership, he/she will coordinate with the Human Resources and Business Development organizations in order to develop and project appropriate messages and communications tools to reach employees, current and prospective customers and partners. The Director will also be responsible for government relations, primarily with state & local government customers.
Minimum Qualifications: Undergraduate degree in relevant subject area required plus minimum 15 years professional experience; graduate degree(s) highly desirable. Minimum of 10 years experience managing public relations, government relations, marketing communications, advertising, community affairs, and internal communications for a medium to large sized organization. Experience in international communications is desirable. Skills must include excellent oral and written communications. Must possess the ability to interact effectively with executive management across the division, sector and corporation. Must be able to work effectively in a heavily matrixed dynamic environment.
8.)  Graphic Artist 2, Northrop Grumman, Ft. Lee, VA

Typical Minimum Education / Experience: 3 Years with Bachelors; 1 Year with Masters Secret Security Clearance is required. The qualified applicant will become part of Northrop Grumman's support to the US Army's Tactical Logistics Directorate (TLD) which provides life-cycle software products and services that enhance Army/Joint warfighting, management, and support capabilities, to ensure that America's warfighters continue to own the decisive edge from the battlespace through the sustaining base. Conceives, designs, lays out, and coordinates editorial illustrations and creative artwork for publications such as magazines, brochures, handbooks, and posters, translating facts and features of subject material into graphic terms that best convey intended meaning. Develops interpretive themes that convey ideas and information. Creates graphic presentations that communicate mood, emphasis, insight, viewpoint, and similar visual impressions. Provides guidance on graphic technology. Works closely with internal company contacts to understand requirements and create cost efficient graphic designs through available mediums. May provide computer graphic services for web artwork. May also have responsibility or input on reproduction and printing processes through in-house resources or outside vendors. Security Clearance Required.
9.)  Copy Editor, SAIC, Shalimar, FL

Requirements The SAIC Shalimar, Florida, office is seeking an experienced copyeditor with strong word processing/formatting skills to join our document production team. This copyeditor must be able and willing to coordinate a document from start to finish, including interacting with authors, executing some word processing, and being responsible for quality control on shared or delegated editorial tasks. This position provides proofreading and editorial support; is responsible for ensuring that all spelling, grammar, and punctuation is correct; points out inconsistencies, faulty logic, and awkward, unclear, or redundant passages; provides consistency in capitalization, compound words, lists and numbers; checks in-text references for figures, tables, and sections; checks for parallelism and for clear antecedents to pronouns; creates and checks all entries in the Table of Contents and Lists of Tables and Figures; checks for consistency in format; and edits the document in a consistent style (typically, Gregg Reference or AP Stylebook plus project-specific style sheet). This position will also execute document production/distribution outside the scope of typical copyediting work, including printing and binding copies. We need an editor who is well organized, flexible, and dedicated to quality.
Education: Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts, English, Journalism or related field preferred, and 3+ years of editing experience is required. Additional editing/document production experience will be considered in lieu of formal degree.
Required Skills: Demonstrated ability to work effectively within a team and independently. Demonstrated proficiency in advanced features of Microsoft Word, including .dot template files, styles, tracked changes, section breaks, table formatting, and headers/footers. Ability to perform well in a deadline-driven environment. Excellent spelling, grammar, punctuation, and substantive editing skills, including the ability to identify and correct inconsistencies, wordiness, and awkwardness in text and organization. Working knowledge of several style guides (e.g., Gregg Reference, Chicago, APA). Discretion and diplomacy, especially when working with technical staff to resolve production schedule conflicts and editorial issues.
Desired Skills: Experience in document production for government contractors. Experience in copyediting and formatting large, highly complex documents (300+ pages with embedded illustrations).
10.)  Capture Manager/Business Development Manager Defense and Security, Daylight Solutions, Poway, CA 
This position is responsible for establishing corporate relationships and closing on critical business opportunities for Daylight Solutions which include all phases of capture management. Daylight’s core platform technology is based on solid-state, mid and long wave infrared laser technology, allowing for applications in Defense and Security, Medical Diagnostics, Environmental Monitoring, Industrial Process Control and Scientific Research. Your business and technical knowledge will help you to identify various development opportunities that lead to higher volume OEM contracts.
You will be responsible for all phases of capture management—identification, qualification, capture and familiarity with proposal management and pricing. You will be an integral part of the business development team, supporting proposal activities, marketing and communications, competitive analysis, and business development. You will also identify and participate, as required, in marketing events such as trade shows and seminars that support capture objectives. As required for successful capture, you will also participate in defining proposed project tasks and program structure. You will also identify and qualify prospective teaming partners. Additionally, you will participate in strategic planning to help position Daylight to meet its revenue growth objectives. You will be expected to contribute to branding and advertising activities for new markets. Excellent customer skills along with strong execution in negotiating and closing deals will be paramount to success.
Primary Duties and Responsibilities
Essential duties and responsibilities:
Leverage Daylight’s existing core technology platforms and IP to close on new business opportunities within Defense and Security markets
Apply knowledge of Defense acquisition life cycle to position for success
Leverage contacts within DoD Program Offices and Tier 1 system integrators to generate and close on new business opportunities
Position Daylight for participation and awards in Major Defense Acquisition Programs (procurement)
Generate S&T program business to continue development of next-generation technology solutions
General duties and responsibilities:
Identify and develop opportunities for profitable new business
Generate, evaluate and qualify new customer leads
Create and deliver customer presentations
Develop proposals to address customer needs
Develop key customer relationships in Defense and Security markets
Maintain thorough technical understanding of company’s technologies and core capabilities
Accountable for achieving company revenue targets
B.S. degree in technical field is required with a Master’s degree in technical or business field preferred
5 or more years business development in a technical field, marketing and/or sales required
Excellent presentation, verbal and written communications skills
Proven execution in negotiating and closing deals
Strong team player, able to interface well with other groups
Must be U.S Citizen and eligible to obtain security clearance
Passion for success in growing business
How to Apply
Email resume to:
We are an equal opportunity employer.
11.)  Corporate Citizenship Representative, Northrop Grumman, Baltimore, MD
12.)  Test Manager for Ground Based Air Defense, BAE Systems, Stafford, VA
13.)  Mechanical Engineer, Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Air Force Materiel Command, Robins AFB, GA
14.)  Environmental Engineer, United States Coast Guard, Elizabeth City, NC
15.)  Electrical Engineer, Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island, IL
16.)  Computer Engineer/Electronics Engineer/Computer Scientist, Defense Information Systems Agency, Ft. Meade, MD
17.)  Experienced Financial Analyst (Defense Contracting), Advanced Engineering & Sciences (AES), ITT Corporation, Arlington, VA
***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our website at  You can also read previous issues at or on Topica at
Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.  Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager subscribes to DEFCON 1.
Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a blank a-mail to
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DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that serves the more than 11,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:
This newsletter is published by:
Edward H. Lundquist, ABC
Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)
7813 Richfield Road
Springfield, VA 22153
+1 703 455-7661
Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.
For your hospitality, thank you!
© Copyright 2010 Job of the Week Network, LLC
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