DEFCON 1 Newsletter for November 16, 2011

by Neds Job of the Week
Published on: 11/16/2011
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the Future of Global Surface Combatant Fleets


Warships 2012 Paris



Career Opportunities Newsletter

1 Newsletter for November 16, 2011

# 246

are among 773 subscribers


general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing
disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for
his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.”

Sun Tzu


to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities
Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and
career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace,
maritime, marine technology and security industry. 


1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to
submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a
blank email to


you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position
that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization,
location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll
share.  This is a cooperative
network.  That means everyone’s
participation is required to provide job opportunities to share. 


or changing your e-mail address?  Don't
forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription. 
To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank
e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.


never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed
here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  UAS Systems Engineer, MCR, Huntsville, AL

2.)  HVAC Technician, ATK, Clearfield, UT

3.)  Naval Architect, Incat Crowther, LLC, Morgan
City, LA

4.)  Guidance Nav & Control Engr 2\3, The
Boeing Company, Everett, Washington

5.)  Composite Technician, Cobham Defense
Electronic Systems, Baltimore, MD

6.)  Operations Research Analyst, MCR, Washington,

Systems, General Atomics, Spanish Fork, UT

8.)  MNF FABRICATION Tech I, Textron Marine &
Land Systems/MillenWorks, Tustin, CA

9.)  Production Planner II, Force Protection
Industries, Inc., Ladson, S.C

11.)  Senior Strategic
Communication Assessment Analyst, Headquarters, Department of the Army Office
of the Chief of Public Affairs, L-3 MPRI, Washington, DC

12.)  Naval Architect, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
and IMF, Department of the Navy, Bremerton, WA

13.)  Senior Scientist/Engineer V (BST-ARL-135), Bowhead
Technical and Professional Services / Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation, Aberdeen,

14.)  Senior Naval Business Development
Professional (Level 3), Defense & Security Systems, Saab Sensis, Syracuse,

15.)  Public Affairs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Galveston, TX

16.)  Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Army,
Pacific, Fort Richardson, AK

17.)  Senior Cost Analyst, MCR Federal LLC,
Washington, DC

18.)  Network Engineer (TS required), General
Dynamics Information Technology, Tampa, FL

19.)  Director, Pacific Region, Textron Systems
Corporation, Washington, DC

20.)  Lead Mechanical Engineer, Goodrich SIS,
Vergennes, VT




GWC Holiday Social – December 14

Sine’s Irish Pub
1301 S Joyce St
Arlington, VA 22202

Time:  1630-1830

Cost:  No Cost to SNA Members and $5 for Nonmembers
Includes hors d'oeuvres and a ticket for one free drink.

Toys for Tots donations in the form of money or toys collected at
the event.  If you are unable to attend
and would like to make a donation, please contact

RSVP Required:

SNA GWC November Luncheon – November 17

Commodore Stephen P. Woodall, CSC, RAN
Naval Attaché, Embassy of Australia

Location:  Hyatt Regency Crystal City

Check-In at 1130, Lunch at 1200

Register Online at:


Upcoming 2012 Events:

January 10-12,
2012 – SNA National Symposium

March 3, 2012 –
SNA GWC Dining Out

***  Surface Warships 2012:


the Future of Global Surface Combatant Fleets


a highly uncertain strategic environment, the ability to use the majority of
the world's surface, and reach most of its population makes maritime forces
those of choice for the world's main actors and their allies – and surface
warships are key components of such forces. Their need to police the oceans
against the dual threats of terrorism and piracy make surface warship
programmes a crucial and indispensable part of the future maritime environment.


Warships will provide the ideal environment for industry and naval professional
to discuss innovative future designs and the need to keep current vessels
battle ready through capability upgrades and refits.


– 25 January, 2012, Hyatt Regency, Paris, France


***  The moving walkway…is ending…


***  From Mark Sofman:


of you who are technically adept…


appreciate this  😉



***  The Surface Navy Association Greater
Washington Chapter is pleased to announce that the speaker for the November
luncheon will be
Commodore Stephen P. Woodall, CSC, RAN, Naval Attaché, Embassy of Australia

17 November 2011

Location:  Hyatt Regency Crystal City

at 1130, Lunch at 1200

Register Online at:


***  The American Society of Naval Engineers is proud to
present ASNE Day 2012: Naval Warfare – Critical Engineering
on February 9-10, 2012 in Arlington, VA.

Call for Student Posters at ASNE Day 2012

ASNE is actively seeking student participants for the ASNE Day 2012 Student
Poster Session. To submit a poster for consideration, please send a brief
abstract to Dr. Leigh McCue at by December 1, 2011. For more
information on submitting an abstract, please visit the
Student Call for Posters.

ASNE Day 2012 Student Program Highlights

  • FREE access to all the ASNE Day 2012 events, including the plenary
    and technical sessions.
  • Posters featured in the
    ASNE Day 2012 exhibit hall, providing students visibility in front of
    potential employers in both government and industry.
  • Exciting tour of a naval
    history landmark with views of Washington, D.C.
  • Participation in the
    Student Congress, creating a dialogue with peers from schools across the

***  The Surface Navy
Association (SNA) Scholarship program is an annual activity that SNA is very
proud to offer to our members’ dependent children and spouses for undergraduate
and graduate education.  The academic achievements of our scholars are
impressive and our current year’s renewal GPA (for those asking for a second
through fourth year of support) was 3.64. 


SNA Scholar receives an academic scholarship based on demonstrated leadership,
community service, academic achievement and commitment to pursuing higher
educational objectives. Our criteria require that an applicant be a child,
stepchild, ward or spouse of a current SNA member who is a Surface Warfare
Officer or Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist or Officers and Enlisted members
of the Coast Guard who’ve earned a permanent Cutterman’s pin, with three years
of sea time.


humble beginnings in 1995, with one scholarship for $500, we now award over
$120,000 per year to 60 total individuals.  In fact, since 2002 we have provided nearly three quarters of a
million dollars in scholarship support to our members and families. 


past year, SNA received over 50 applications and was able to award scholarships
to 17 of these outstanding new applicants. With your help, we can continue to
grow this exceptional program. SNA is currently accepting donations for the
scholarship fund online at:


The Surface Navy Association greatly values any
donation and all donations are tax deductible as SNA is a 501(c) 3
organization. As an example of the financial clout we can have together, if
every member gave just $25, it would be enough to award over 20 fully-funded
new scholarships. This is an important way for us to invest in the futures of
the families of our nation’s Surface Warriors.


***  USS Houston (CA-30) Survivors
Association and Next Generations

In a ceremony to be held at the National Museum of the United States Navy on
17 November at 1100, the USS Houston (CA-30) Survivors Association and Next
Generations will donate a cased model table, allowing the display of Naval Sea
Systems Command's model of USS Houston in the Museum. Tom Freeman, who painted
a depiction of the cruiser engaged in combat fifteen minutes before she sank on
1 March 1942, will loan the original painting to the Museum for the event.
Please visit the USS Houston (CA-3) Survivors Association website (
to learn more about their organization and this event. To learn more about USS
Houston, please visit the Naval History and Heritage Command's online exhibit (
. For information on visiting the National Museum of the United States Navy at
Washington Navy Yard, please visit their website (

To RSVP for this event, please contact Dr. Edward Furgol, 202-433-6901 or






***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  UAS Systems Engineer, MCR, Huntsville, AL


2.)  HVAC Technician, ATK, Clearfield, UT


3.)  Naval Architect, Incat Crowther, LLC, Morgan
City, LA


4.)  Guidance Nav & Control Engr 2\3, The
Boeing Company, Everett, Washington


5.)  Composite Technician, Cobham Defense
Electronic Systems, Baltimore, MD


6.)  Operations Research Analyst, MCR, Washington,


Systems, General Atomics, Spanish Fork, UT


8.)  MNF FABRICATION Tech I, Textron Marine &
Land Systems/MillenWorks, Tustin, CA


9.)  Production Planner II, Force Protection
Industries, Inc., Ladson, S.C


10.)  MP&P Laboratory Technician, The Boeing
Company, Mesa, AZ


***  From Duke Smith:




Good day shipmate. Please add subj job to your next JOTW.
It's on the L3 web site, MPRI's parent company, at, position


Many thanks.




11.)  Senior Strategic
Communication Assessment Analyst, Headquarters, Department of the Army Office
of the Chief of Public Affairs, L-3 MPRI, Washington, DC


Background.  The requiring organization is the Headquarters,
Department of the Army Office of the Chief of Public Affairs.  Its mission includes keeping various internal
and external audiences of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints informed on Army programs,
operations and policy.  The Chief of
Public Affairs is responsible for ensuring communication/public affairs enhances
understanding, trust, confidence, and advocacy for the Army.  Communicating effectively to audiences on whom
the Army’s success depends is essential to public and congressional support, especially
in a resource constrained environment. The Army must not only create and
implement communication programs and products (outputs), but also develop and
carry out means for measuring and reporting communication/public affairs
results (outcomes).

Description.  L-3 MPRI is
seeking a Strategic Communication Assessment Analyst to help the Army’s Office
of the Chief of Public Affairs measure and analyze the data-driven results of its
communication/public affairs efforts with a view toward continuously improving
how well the Army tells its story.  The Analyst
will develop and execute strategies and tactics for measuring the effects of
Army communication across the entire spectrum of media outreach, community relations,
and direct communication.  The Analyst
will define measures of effectiveness (MoE) and associated metrics, and conceive,
develop, and implement strategic-level methodologies, processes, and products
for assessing the outcomes achieved by internal and external Army communication
programs.  The Analyst will prepare
executive-level presentations for reporting these communication assessments to
senior leaders.  The Analyst will apply
strategic and tactical level communication and media results analysis to
support Army senior leaders, communication planners, the OCPA Media Relations
Division, and other OCPA divisions.  The Analyst
will continuously monitor both the strategic and communication environments for
customer-relevant issues, threats, and opportunities and provide strategic
insight and recommendations for aligning resources, improving communication
effectiveness, and achieving strategic communication goals and objectives. The
Analyst will support and assist OCPA leadership in the Army Communication Working
Group process. Execution must be in compliance with U.S. law, DoD policy and
assessment guidance provided by Army Senior Leadership and the Chief of Public

in the position is characterized by:

Goals and objectives for all significant
communication campaigns/plans are measurable, data-driven, and agreed to by stakeholders.
They will answer the, “so what?” question.


OCPA has developed a clear idea, supported by
data, of communication strategies and tactics that work in most situations and
those that do not.


OCPA can prove to Army senior leaders, usually
with hard data, the impact that communication/public affairs is having in
connection with addressing a particular issue, achieving a major goal, or solving
a significant problem (such as raising awareness, improving understanding,
generating interest, gaining support/preference, causing desired action).


Low- and no-cost Army resources outside of OCPA related
to communication assessment have been secured and put to maximum use.


OCPA’s communication planners are incorporating
measurement in their communication strategies.


Communication planners and the proponent
organizations they work with have become “addicted to the numbers” that describe
communication results.

Specific tasks include:  Serve as the Army’s communication measurement
expert — capable of providing analytical expertise in understanding the
character, nature and trends of communication in this age of information,
particularly with the emergence of social or new media.  Provide expertise and work with communication
campaign leads to develop metrics to measure the effects of individual Army
communication initiatives.  Research, review
and assess current or traditional Army communication methods and strategies to
determine effectiveness. Develop, utilize and assess appropriate low- or
no-cost metrics to support findings and recommendations that inform the
communication/public affairs way ahead.  Analyze
policy, strategy, processes, principles and methodologies, recommending
communication strategies that will achieve the most impact in the least
time.   Manage and facilitate working groups with
appropriate Army subject matter experts to develop and implement effective
metric-based tracking of Army communication efforts. The Analyst will conduct
research, analysis and trend studies of various communication channels and
methods, and make recommendations for improvement.  This research and
analysis must also include other communication systems and programs that are
related to and directly impact Army Public Affairs initiatives, such as
information technology, and analysis of public opinion polls that mention the
U.S. Army.  Establish working
relationships with and garner cooperation and support from other applicable
Army organizations, such as the Army
Institute and the Center for Army Analysis.


Qualifications.   The successful candidate must have five or
more year’s experience in strategic communication research, analysis and assessment
using relevant tools, techniques and procedures, with at least two years of
demonstrated experience in performing communication assessments at the
enterprise level.   The candidate will possess a sound,
practitioner’s knowledge of government or corporate staff actions with emphasis
on strategic communications assessments and measurements.   Knowledge and
expertise of social science methodologies including survey methods and analysis
is essential.  Prior DoD, US Government,
Army or Joint Staff experience is a plus with knowledge of applicable laws and
regulations governing Army Public Affairs Programs.  Relevant experience
in a public relations firm that is serving or has served government clients
would also be a plus.  An Operational
Research and Systems Analysis background or credential is a plus.  Candidate will have excellent oral and
written communication skills, diplomacy, tact and the demonstrated ability to
interact with and respond to senior leaders. Candidate must be a self-starter
who is persistent, flexible and intuitive when facing difficult communication
challenges.   The candidate must possess
the ability to apply problem-solving tools, techniques and procedures in
recommending courses of action in communication analysis, assessment and
measurement and be able to establish communication objectives, metrics and showcase
integrated planning expertise.  Knowledge
and experience using on-line and

social media assessment tools is
required.  Candidate must possess
demonstrated initiative, creativity, resourcefulness and organizational skills
to plan, integrate and execute multiple complex strategic communication
initiatives involving key constituents, including: Congress, international,
state and local agencies, internal and external publics, and the media.

 Requirements.  The
position location is at the Pentagon, Arlington, VA., and requires at least five
years of Army or DoD experience with expertise in Public Affairs, Strategic
Communication, and communication assessments and metrics. This position
requires a Bachelor’s degree.  Master’s degree is preferred. 
Microsoft Office skills (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) required.  Access and MS Project a plus.  The candidate must be prepared to submit examples
of assessment processes and products in which he or she has had a major role in
developing.  The candidate must have an
active and final Secret security clearance at the time of application.
(position #27012)

12.)  Naval Architect, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
and IMF, Department of the Navy, Bremerton, WA


13.)  Senior Scientist/Engineer V (BST-ARL-135), Bowhead
Technical and Professional Services / Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation, Aberdeen,


14.)  Senior Naval Business Development
Professional (Level 3), Defense & Security Systems, Saab Sensis, Syracuse,


15.)  Public Affairs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Galveston, TX


16.)  Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Army,
Pacific, Fort Richardson, AK


17.)  Senior Cost Analyst, MCR Federal LLC,
Washington, DC


18.)  Network Engineer (TS required), General
Dynamics Information Technology, Tampa, FL


19.)  Director, Pacific Region, Textron Systems
Corporation, Washington, DC


20.)  Lead Mechanical Engineer, Goodrich SIS,
Vergennes, VT


to the Chief Engineer, the Mechanical Engineer for Control Actuation Systems
will join a growing team whose responsibilities include the design and
development of electromechanical control systems for aircraft, munitions and
projectiles. The position will include involvement on many varieties of
actuation systems including both linear and rotary actuation mechanisms aboard
manned and unmanned aircraft, missiles and projectiles. The majority of work
will be analysis and some design including generation of Design Analysis
Reports (DAR). More specific responsibilities include but will not be limited
to the following:


for the Lead Mechanical Engineer include:

 • Support Business Development efforts to win
new business, including support of proposal efforts and customer visits

 • Work with the Chief Engineer, program Tech
Lead and other technical leads to develop design architectures meeting customer
and mission requirements

 • Coordinates the design and development of
actuators and components which meet customer and internal requirements.

 • Design and develop products utilizing Pro/E.

 • Develop system requirements and flow down to
sub systems

 • Generate and review analysis including
structural and dynamic analysis, gear train analysis including backlash, jack
screw and ball screw efficiencies, inertia , bearing loading and stiffness.

 • Material analysis to include material
selection based on requirements including material finishes.

 • Prove out all analysis and recommendations
through testing.

Work closely with the motor engineering team and make correct recommendation of
motor size.

 • Work closely with vendors, bearing
manufacturers, ball screw manufacturers and other suppliers as necessary.

 • Take part in failure reviews and develop
corrective actions

 • Support design, prototyping, and testing of
actuation systems.

 • Interface and work with team members across
all disciplines and levels within the organization – purchasing, engineering,
test technicians, etc.

 • Working on multiple projects being flexible
to changes in priorities as required.

 • Travel when required.


Skills & Experience


Lead Mechanical Engineer will possess a Bachelors degree in Mechanical
Engineering and will have a minimum of ten or more years related in actuation
design. A working knowledge and understanding of general analysis programs is
required. More specific skill and experience will include but not be limited to
the following:


Familiarity with the use of MATHCAD

Experience using ProE & ANSYS

 • Knowledge of materials, coatings and
finishes including nitriding, carborizing, tempers and induction hardening

 • Having previous successful experience
performing cyclic loading calculations.

Aerospace gearing background to include contact stresses on gear teeth, gear
train analysis, backlash requirements and calculations is essential.

 • Knowledge of thrust, roller and contact
bearings, bearing load, size and applications.

 • Experience with temporizing or induction

 • Knowledge of endurance issues typical of
cyclic loading.

Experience performing torque and inertial backlash calculations desired.

 • Actuator experience in commercial aircraft
environments ((DOD environments preferred).

US Citizenship is a must


ideal Mechanical Engineer candidate has the following preferred attributes:


 • 15 years direct related work experience
including Actuators and GNC systems

 • Experience with Military design of gun
launched projectiles


general individuals should be characterized by a desire to be a contributing
member of an accomplished engineering group but will be talented individual
contributors. Individuals should be further characterized by a true engineering
curiosity, a bias for action and possessive of a strong sense of ownership and
accountability. Additional characteristics should include but not be limited to
the following:


Possessive of excellent written and verbal communication skills.

 • Must be capable of functioning comfortably
and effectively within a team.

 • Should be possessive of an aggressive (in a
positive manner) attitude.

 • Able to function at a high level with
multiple tasks and projects and or to effectively change direction based upon
client requirements

 • Should be professional in appearance and




Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, is a global supplier of systems and
services to the aerospace, defense and homeland security markets. With one of
the most strategically diversified portfolios of products in the industry,
Goodrich serves a global customer base with significant worldwide manufacturing
and service facilities. With 2009 revenues of $6.7 billion, Goodrich is
headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, and employs more than 24,000 people
worldwide in approximately 80 facilities across 16 countries. Goodrich offers
an extensive range of products, systems and services for aircraft and engine
manufacturers, airlines and defense forces around the world. The company's
transformation into one of the globe's largest aerospace and defense companies
has been driven by strategic acquisitions and internal growth fueled by
innovation and quality. From aerostructures and actuation systems to landing
gear, engine control systems, sensors and safety systems, Goodrich products are
on almost every aircraft in the world.


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1
newsletter.  Visit our

at  You can also read previous

at or on Topica at


company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me. 

ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing

hiring priority each week.  Make sure
your recruiting manager

to DEFCON 1.


share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends

the defense industry.  They can subscribe
for free when they send a

a-mail to


you delete an address from your account, or if you really don't want

read the newsletter, then send an email to:


is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that

the more than 11,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible

some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to

to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for

communicators, send a blank e-mail to:


newsletter is published by:


H. Lundquist, ABC

U.S. Navy (Retired)

Richfield Road

VA 22153

703 455-7661


Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week”

– A world in communication.


your hospitality, thank you!

Copyright 2011 Job of the Week Network, LLC


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