DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 21, 2012

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 03/21/2012
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Maritime Homeland Security Summit 2012


30 April, 2012 – 2 May, 2012

Norfolk, VA, United States





Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 Newsletter for March 21, 2012

Issue # 259

You are among 756 subscribers



“What do you want to be a sailor for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics.”

– David Lloyd George


Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.


DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week, and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


Help the network grow.  Sign up a friend.  They can join for free simply by sending a blank email to


When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share.  This is a cooperative network.  That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


Transitioning, or changing your e-mail address?  Don’t forget to change your DEFCON – 1 subscription.  To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail from the old account to Then a blank e-mail from your new account to  I cannot do this for you.


I never give out, rent, or sell my list, and neither does Topica.


***  In this issue (This week’s jobs are listed here, and then offered with links or in more detail below):


1.)  Human Resource Administrator, MCR, McLean, VA

2.)  Marine Engineer/Naval Architect, Professional Analysis Incorporated (PAI), MSC Headquarters at Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC

3.)  Sr. Scheduler/EVM Analyst, MCR, Washington, DC

4.)  Manager of Communications, BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems Sector, Wayne, NJ

5.)  Quality Control Inspector, DynCorp International, Patrick AFB, FL

6.)  Accountant 1, NASSCO, San Diego, CA

7.)  Community Editor, Avionics Group, Access Intelligence, Rockville, Maryland

8.)  Aegis BMD System Concept Analyst and Developer, The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD

9.)  Junior Cost Analyst, MCR, Washington, DC

10.)  AEGIS Wholeness Director, SAIC, Washington, DC

11.)  IT Certified Professional Associate, MPRI, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

12.)  Procurement Director, American Electronic Warfare Associates, AMEWAS, Inc., Washington, D.C.

13.)  Cyber Threat Analyst – CERT, Raytheon, Springfield, VA

14.)  Homeland Defense/Security Analyst, Strategic Analysis, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO

15.)  DOMEX Trainer – SME (Fort Bragg), Army DOMEX Support Proposal, Celestar Corporation, Fort Bragg, NC

16.) Proposal Manager / Writer, Partnership for Defense Innovation, Fayetteville, NC

17.)  Senior Engineer/Program Manager, MCR, Arlington, VA

18.)  Senior Analyst-Air Defense and Space, ABM Industries, Inc., multiple locations that include, Ft. Bliss, Ft. Bragg, Ft. Campbell, Ft Carson, Ft. Hood, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Drum, Ft McPherson, Ft. Polk, Ft.

Richardson, Ft. Riley, Ft Shafter, Ft. Stewart, Schofield Barracks.

19.)  Business Intelligence Manager (Aerospace & Defense Industry Focus), Deloitte Consulting LLP, Various

20.)  Director, Technical Intelligence, Missile Defense Agency, Department of Defense, Fort Belvoir, VA

21.)  Auditor, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Department of Defense, Sheldon, CT; Somers, NY; Owego, NY; Germantown, MD; Washington, DC


…and more!


***  Maritime Homeland Security Summit 2012

30 April, 2012 – 2 May, 2012

Norfolk, VA, United States


The conclusion of active operations in the Middle East calls into question the ongoing threat from radical extremism and the other threats faced by the United States. Due to the heightened intensity of threats the Coast Guard has taken steps to secure safety and has allocated

$10.34 billion for FY2012 towards modernization and increasing maritime security capabilities. It’s an important time for the maritime community to accurately assess its priorities and plan for both existing and emerging challenges.


The 10th Annual Maritime Homeland Security Summit will bring together all relevant stakeholders to discuss the most pressing issues facing the maritime community, from efforts to build new partnerships to modernizing security capabilities. Departmental policy makers, uniformed service leaders, law enforcement and industry partners will gather in Norfolk to network, share best practices and explore potential paths to fortifying the United States’ maritime security.


***  Here are the DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Human Resource Administrator, MCR, McLean, VA



2.)  Marine Engineer/Naval Architect, Professional Analysis Incorporated (PAI), MSC Headquarters at Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC


A Marine Engineer/Naval Architect with at least 1-2 years Naval Ship Construction shipyard experience is needed to provide Lessons Learned support to the Military Sealift Command (MSC) onsite at MSC Headquarters at Washington Navy Yard. Database management experience also desired.

Duties will include Lessons Learned management, scheduling meetings, preparing briefings, project planning and tracking, managing an information systems portal, and performing technical and engineering reviews. Experience with Military Sealift Command highly desirable.


To apply please email your resume to


3.)  Sr. Scheduler/EVM Analyst, MCR, Washington, DC



***  From Kristin L. Gossel:


Ned –


Can you please post the listing below on the next JOTW?  Thanks.


Kristin L. Gossel

Director, External Engagement

BAE Systems – Electronic Systems


4.)  Manager of Communications, BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems Sector, Wayne, NJ


BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems Sector is seeking a Manager of Communications to be based in Wayne, NJ.  The individual will develop & implement communications strategies to support the sector’s business objectives and leadership initiatives, including: media relations, external communications, public event support, editorial quality, and digital media engagement including website and social media properties.

For more information or to apply please visit


5.)  Quality Control Inspector, DynCorp International, Patrick AFB, FL


6.)  Accountant 1, NASSCO, San Diego, CA



7.)  Community Editor, Avionics Group, Access Intelligence, Rockville, Maryland


8.)  Aegis BMD System Concept Analyst and Developer, The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD



9.)  Junior Cost Analyst, MCR, Washington, DC



10.)  AEGIS Wholeness Director, SAIC, Washington, DC



11.)  IT Certified Professional Associate, MPRI, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO



12.)  Procurement Director, American Electronic Warfare Associates,

AMEWAS, Inc., Washington, D.C.


13.)  Cyber Threat Analyst – CERT, Raytheon, Springfield, VA



14.)  Homeland Defense/Security Analyst, Strategic Analysis, Inc.,

Colorado Springs, CO


15.)  DOMEX Trainer – SME (Fort Bragg), Army DOMEX Support Proposal,

Celestar Corporation, Fort Bragg, NC



16.) Proposal Manager / Writer, Partnership for Defense Innovation,

Fayetteville, NC



17.)  Senior Engineer/Program Manager, MCR, Arlington, VA



18.)  Senior Analyst-Air Defense and Space, ABM Industries, Inc.,

multiple locations that include, Ft. Bliss, Ft. Bragg, Ft. Campbell, Ft

Carson, Ft. Hood, Ft. Lewis, Ft. Drum, Ft McPherson, Ft. Polk, Ft.

Richardson, Ft. Riley, Ft Shafter, Ft. Stewart, Schofield Barracks.



19.)  Business Intelligence Manager (Aerospace & Defense Industry

Focus), Deloitte Consulting LLP, Various



20.)  Director, Technical Intelligence, Missile Defense Agency,

Department of Defense, Fort Belvoir, VA


21.)  Auditor, Defense Contract Audit Agency, Department of Defense,

Sheldon, CT; Somers, NY; Owego, NY; Germantown, MD; Washington, DC


***  Thank you for sharing this week’s DEFCON-1 newsletter.  Visit our

website at  You can also read previous

issues at or on Topica at


Your company’s jobs can be listed here when you share them with me.

Please ask your Director of HR to send me your company’s most pressing

job hiring priority each week.  Make sure your recruiting manager

subscribes to DEFCON 1.


To submit jobs to this newsletter, send to  Include

job title, organization/company, location, brief description (optional),

and how to follow up (contact, link, etc.).


Please share these opportunities and refer this network to your friends

in the defense industry.  They can subscribe for free when they send a

blank a-mail to


If you delete an address from your account, or if you really don’t want

to read the newsletter, then send an email to:


DCO is a companion newsletter to my Job of the Week newsletter that

serves the more than 11,000-members of the JOTW network.  It is possible


that some job listings will appear in both newsletters.  If you want to

subscribe to the free Job of the Week e-mail networking newsletter for

professional communicators, send a blank e-mail to:


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week”


network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

© Copyright 2012 Job of the Week Network, LLC

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