DEFCON 1 newsletter for April 7, 2021

by Ned Lundquist
Published on: 04/07/2021
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Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter

DEFCON 1 newsletter for April 7, 2021

Issue # 693


This edition of DEFCON 1 comes to you from Springfield, Virginia.


*** Welcome to the latest edition of the number one Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter, “DEFCON-1,” a networking newsletter featuring job opportunities and career advice for those who are part of the global defense, aerospace, maritime, marine technology and security industry.

DEFCON 1 brings you job opportunities every week and counts on members like you to submit job listings to share and post in this newsletter.


***  Sign up for regular free delivery of this newsletter through Google Groups by sending an email to Ned at


***  When you learn about a job opportunity in the defense sector, such as a position that comes open with your company, you send me the title, organization, location, and a brief description; link; or contact information, and I’ll share. This is a cooperative network. That means everyone’s participation is required to provide job opportunities to share.


*** Ned’s upcoming travel, maybe, perhaps:




***  Ned’s stories:


*** Here are your DEFCON 1 jobs for this week:


1.)  Journeyman Supply Chain Manager, MCR, Dayton, OH*


2.)  Security Specialist – Senior, MCR, Dahlgren, VA*


3.)  Principal Technician (FAS), MCR, Norfolk, VA*


(* Note:  I work for MCR.  If you are qualified and interested in any of the MCR positions above, send your resume to me (at when you apply and I’ll also contact the hiring manager on your behalf.  I am entitled to an employee bonus if you are hired.)


4.)  DCGS-A / Military Intelligence (MI), ACM-F DCGS-A, Chenega MIOS, Fort Huachuca, Arizona


***  From Paul Campbell:


I have a direct hire Communications Analyst (Satellite and Radio Terminal Systems) position onsite at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The hiring company is an award winning, woman-owned 8(a) IT services company, they provide Cyber Security, Program Management, and Strategic Communication solutions to commercial, federal, and municipal customers.


Benefits for employees- training, medical, dental, vision, flexible spending accounts, short term and long-term disability, life insurance, vacation and personal leave and additional benefits.


Paul Campbell

Branch Manager

Northern Virginia Staffing


5.)  COMMUNICATIONS ANALYST (SATELLITE AND RADIO), IT services company, Offered by Northern Virginia Staffing, Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia


  • Assist in the review of all developmental command, control and communications (C3) system concepts; organizations; processes; applications; concepts-of-operations (CONOPs); policies; acquisitions and delivered equipment to support ISR operations and programs; and provide gains in operational effectiveness/efficiency, and generate cost avoidance opportunities.
  • Assist in technical feasibility reviews, technical reviews of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) documented requirements for validity, and be able to assist in the development of guidance and direction to the Services and Agencies for the dissemination of ISR information as DoD moves into the Global Information Grid (GIG) involving requirement views, capability roadmap development, CONOP development, Combatant Command Operations and Contingency Plans (OPLAN/CONPLAN) development or reviews.
  • Assist in the reviewing of development, procurement and life-cycle sustainment oversight for ISR supporting communications architectures from strategic to tactical. Focus areas include acquisition processes involving intelligence support and inputs into: the Integrated Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment system, theater missile warning missions to include cueing capabilities for Army, Marine Corps and Air Force missile defense systems including three-dimensional long range and short-to-medium-range tactical radars, tactical intelligence data dissemination systems such as the Integrated Broadcast Service, ground tactical
  • intelligence and intelligence supporting communications systems, tactical employment of measurement and signatures intelligence (MASINT) and signals intelligence (SIGINT) data and supporting communications means, and data link systems, programs, and related technologies.
  • Be familiar with and assist in reviewing the sufficiency of intelligence support in Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAP). This includes, but is not limited to, reviewing intelligence mission data / life-cycle signature support plans (LSSP), currency and adequacy of System Threat Assessment Reports (STAR), and Program Protection Plans.
  • Assist in the review of mission related Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) acquisition actions as well as assist in the review of JCIDS processes, to ensure capabilities developed in the PPBE process meet the warfighting requirements articulated in the JCIDS capability needs processes.
  • Develop, coordinate and brief assessment review information for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSD(I)) community, and communicate the review information via e-mail, background papers, briefings, reports, meeting minutes, trip reports. These reviews will bring ISR principals together and is the primary means of achieving communication, consensus, and approval on critical C3, ISR, and transformational issues.
  • Support the Government in its ISR liaison between OUSD(I) and the following agencies/offices at a minimum: Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), OSD Chief
  • Information Officer (CIO), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (OUSD(A&S)), Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Joint Staff J2 and J8, Military Services, the staff of the Assistant Director of National Intelligence for Acquisition, Technology, and Facilities (ADNI-AT&F), and Intelligence Community Agencies in order to support the effective communication of critical system sustainment and developmental information.
  • Have a working familiarity with the end-to-end systems and technologies in the fields of commercial, civil and national security space satellite communications, the supporting ground stations, and user radio terminals.




  • Bachelor’s Degree. Preference for hard science or engineering related focused degree. Significant experience in radio or satellite system development, fielding, and intimate knowledge of supported architectures substitutes.
  • 10 years of experience working with radio or satellite system development, fielding, and knowledge of supported architectures substitutes.
  • 5 years of experience working in radio communication or communications satellite acquisition program.






Paul Campbell

Branch Manager

Northern Virginia Staffing


6.)  Document Control Specialist, Collins Aerospace, Raytheon Technologies, Jacksonville, FL


7.)  Aerospace Engineer, Relative Dynamics, Greenbelt, MD


8.)  Quality Analyst, NASA WFF – Mission Assurance, Relative Dynamics, Wallops Island, VA


9.)  Aerospace Engineer, US Department of Transportation, Vint Hill Farms, VA


10.)  Microelectronics SME, Fenix Group Inc., Alexandria, VA


11.)  Fully Networked C3 (FNC3) SME, Fenix Group Inc., Alexandria, VA


10.)  Quantum Science SME, Fenix Group Inc., Alexandria, VA


11.)  Operations Support Analyst (Intermediate), Missile Defense Agency/Warfighter Operational Integration Directorate (MDA/DW), JRC Integrated Systems, Inc., Dahlgren, VA


12.)  SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT, SENIOR, Booz Allen Hamilton, Aberdeen, Maryland , USA


13.)  Instructor/Professor, U.S. Army War College, Department of the Army, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania


14.)  Work Planner, National Aerospace Solutions, Arnold AFB, TN–2192/


15.)  Materials Coordinator/Specialist – NFAC NLR-01543, Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC), National Full-scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC), National Aerospace Solutions, Moffett Field, CA


16.)  Test Escort and Area Monitor (Temporary Part-Time) – P2178 (15 Positions), Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC), Arnold Air Force Base, National Aerospace Solutions, Tullahoma, Tennessee


17.)  Wargame Analyst (Strategic Wargaming), Army Futures Command, Army Artificial Intelligence Center (A2IC), United States Army Futures Command, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY


18.)  Hypersonics Subject Matter Expert, Scientific Research Corporation, Alexandria, VA


19.)  Senior Analyst SME, Scientific Research Corporation, Jacksonville, FL


20.)  Mid Aerospace Engineer, Prescient Edge Federal, Herndon, VA


21.)  CHIEF OF STAFF, National Defense University, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, Fort McNair, Washington, DC


*** Sponsorships and combination packages are available with and   To sponsor or advertise, contact Ned Lundquist at


This newsletter is published by:


Edward H. Lundquist, ABC, IABC Fellow

Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)

7813 Richfield Road

Springfield, VA 22153

+1 703 455-7661


Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter is part of the “Job of the Week” network – A world in communication.


For your hospitality, thank you!

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