–^————————————————————————- ——————— Exploring the Future of Global Surface Combatant Fleets Surface Warships 2012 Paris http://www.surfacewarships.com/Event.aspx?id=589698&utm_campaign=MCRI&utm_me dium=MCRI_banner&utm_source=MCRI.COM&MAC=19514.002_MCRI_SP/ –^————————————————————————- ——————— Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter DEFCON 1 Newsletter for December 21, 2011 http://www.yourdefcon1.com/ www.nedsjotw.com Issue # 251 You are among 760 subscribers “Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to become an oyster.” — Theodore Roosevelt[…]
–^———————————————————————————————- 3rd Social Media for Defense and Government<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> October 18 – 20, 2010, Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner, Vienna, VA http://www.idgasocialmedia.com/Event.aspx?id=350848&utm_campaign=MPeNewsletter&utm_medium=DEFCON1&utm_source=yourdefcon1.com&utm_content=home&utm_term=text&MAC=DEFCON_SM –^———————————————————————————————- Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter DEFCON 1 Newsletter for 29 September 2010 http://www.yourdefcon1.com/ www.nedsjotw.com Issue # 201 You are among 808 subscribers “Curiosity is the[…]
–^———————————————————————————————- Operation Second Chance<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> To aid in the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded service men and women. To assist in the modification of housing to accommodate disabled veterans. To assist the families of wounded service men and women. To facilitate the transition of wounded service men and women[…]
–^———————————————————————————————- Operation Second Chance To aid in the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded service men and women. To assist in the modification of housing to accommodate disabled veterans. To assist the families of wounded service men and women. To facilitate the transition of wounded service men and women back into civilian society. http://www.operationsecondchance.org/ –^———————————————————————————————- <?xml:namespace[…]
–^———————————————————————————————- Operation Second Chance To aid in the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded service men and women. To assist in the modification of housing to accommodate disabled veterans. To assist the families of wounded service men and women. To facilitate the transition of wounded service men and women back into civilian society. http://www.operationsecondchance.org/ –^———————————————————————————————- <?xml:namespace[…]
The Port of Los Angeles: Busy, Secure and Green Maritime Reporter October 2009 By Edward Lundquist http://maritimereporter.marinelink.com/page.aspx/200910/29/
–^———————————————————————————————- EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, HR & SOCIAL MEDIA 2010: New Landscape – New Strategies, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Chicago May 12-13. Just $395 for 2 days when you use promo code 10jotw.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> http://www.communitelligence.com/content/ahpg.cfm?spgid=394&full=1/ –^———————————————————————————————- Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for April 28,[…]
–^———————————————————————————————- EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT, HR & SOCIAL MEDIA 2010: New Landscape – New Strategies, Chicago May 12-13. Just $395 for 2 days when you use promo code 10jotw.http://www.communitelligence.com/content/ahpg.cfm?spgid=394&full=1/–^———————————————————————————————- Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for April 14, 2010http://www.yourdefcon1.com/www.nedsjotw.comIssue # 179You are among 771 subscribers “If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast[…]
–^———————————————————————————————- Time to get real, get authentic, get engaged – with Real SMM. Dave Van de Walle and the team at Area 224 are partnering with Jim Alexander from Socially Mediated to launch “Real SMM” – and DEFCON 1 readers can join in for the “Silver” package of unlimited access to training webinars and coaching[…]
–^———————————————————————————————- Earn the skills necessary to develop, manage, and evaluate communications with the 12-month MS in Corporate and Organizational Communication from the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> www.northeastern.edu/cps/FastTrack_MSOrgComm/ –^———————————————————————————————- Defense Career Opportunities Newsletter – DEFCON 1 Newsletter for[…]